[Buildroot] Using udev, non-static /dev, and ramfs (or tmpfs)

Nathanael D. Noblet nathanael at gnat.ca
Sun Oct 22 01:19:06 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-10-21 at 11:34 -0700, don wrote:

> I see that /etc/init.d/S10udev tries to use "/sbin/udevstart", but
> I don't have that.
> Would I be better off to keep things static?

I've been using udev for a bit (I think I added the original patch for
it). Since then a few things have changed. I've cleaned it up a bit
lately and have some patches for udev to fix exactly what you just
described. I'm not completely done yet, however here is a patch that
should fix most of that. Its created in the udev directory itself so as
not to pick up all the other changes in limbo.

Nathanael D. Noblet <nathanael at gnat.ca>
Gnat Solutions, Inc
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