[Buildroot] X11R7 packages available

Julien Letessier julien.letessier at technosens.fr
Wed Jul 4 08:29:52 UTC 2007

Hi list,

As promised, here is
- a full set of X11R7 and support packages (including Mesa3D OpenGL, 2D and
3D drivers, Xv support)
- an updated version (release 4) of the autotools patch

The files are available from:
[because mailman won't let me attach them]

Extract the archive, move packages to your buildroot package directory, and
remember to add
   source "package/Config.xorg7.in"
to your package/Config.in

Hopefully I didn't forget a dependancy package.

Any feedback is welcome... once this is tested I think it would be a good
idea to add the whole thing to Buildroot.

Julien Letessier
<julien.letessier at technosens.fr>
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