[Buildroot] [buildroot 0001282]: ccache
bugs at busybox.net
bugs at busybox.net
Wed Aug 13 17:06:37 UTC 2008
A NOTE has been added to this issue.
Reported By: Franck78
Assigned To: buildroot
Project: buildroot
Issue ID: 1282
Category: Architecture Specific
Reproducibility: always
Severity: feature
Priority: normal
Status: assigned
Date Submitted: 03-21-2007 11:56 PDT
Last Modified: 08-13-2008 10:06 PDT
Summary: ccache
1) ccache is built at the end of the toolchain (gcc/uclibc/binutils). It
serves for nothing (ok I except if you slected other package it may...).
2) the ccache_dir is fixed inside 'toolchain_build_i486' It would be
better if the CCACHE_DIR could be setup somewhere else outside
Why? In automated procedure constructing distro, buildroot.tar.gz is
expanded then configured then built as all other packages making the
It means everytime, buildroot dir is like a virgin.. ;-) No ccache_dir
but if ccache_dir is outside....ok, it will be preserved accross rebuilds
and the final touch would have ccache used for ALL the toolchain
Adding a new option in 'make menuconfig' is beyond my knowledge of
buildroot for now.
bernhardf - 06-25-07 11:02
Although i don't understand a word, i think that this sounds like "Doctor,
it hurts when i do.."
Please describe the problem you are facing and suggest what should be done
why and how, i shall close this bug otherwise.
Franck78 - 06-25-07 11:38
A distro is something more complete than buildroot alone. The buildroot
package is only 'one step among others'. The full build can follow some
method like lfs (linux from scratch).
Having ccache dir outside of the tree build avoid loosing what have been
already compiled when some kind of full rebuild of the distro is
performed. In other words, the cachedir is in a safe configurable place.
chickenandporn - 06-25-07 21:13
It seems the request is:
Add a Config.in/Kconfig option for user-specified CCACHE_DIR defaulting to
current value
This is within my ability, but I don't have a ccache build working (I'm
broken with MacOSX right now). I will contact submitter.
UlfSamuelsson - 09-23-07 16:15
ccache will do by default, what you need, but buildroot does:
$(SED) "s,getenv(\"CCACHE_PATH\"),\"$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/bin-ccache\",g" \
$(SED) "s,getenv(\"CCACHE_DIR\"),\"$(CCACHE_DIR1)/cache\",g" \
If it did not do that replacement, or replaced with
getenv("BUILDROOT_CCACHE_DIR") you would be OK.
Then the user has to set up these variables outside Buildroot,
so Buildroot needs to set up these to a default.
bernhardf - 09-24-07 00:49
Using the established CCACHE_PATH and CCACHE_DIR (i.e. dropping our
patching those out) and providing menuconfig-entries depending on ccache
would IMO be the proper thing to do.
Is anybody willing to attach such a patch (that is tested and works for
wberrier - 08-13-08 10:06
This patch works well for me. I leave CCACHE_PATH as is since those should
be relative to the toolchain's staging dir.
But I make CCACHE_DIR configurable so I can build a cross compiler for
others to use without having to keep the builddir around and accessible to
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
03-21-07 11:56 Franck78 New Issue
03-21-07 11:56 Franck78 Status new => assigned
03-21-07 11:56 Franck78 Assigned To => buildroot
06-25-07 11:02 bernhardf Note Added: 0002507
06-25-07 11:38 Franck78 Note Added: 0002513
06-25-07 21:13 chickenandporn Note Added: 0002515
09-23-07 16:15 UlfSamuelsson Note Added: 0002773
09-24-07 00:49 bernhardf Note Added: 0002778
08-13-08 10:03 wberrier File Added: buildroot-custom_ccache_dir.patch
08-13-08 10:06 wberrier Note Added: 0010404
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