[Buildroot] [buildroot 0004164]: SDL_ttf needs SDL to be compiled first
bugs at busybox.net
bugs at busybox.net
Sat Aug 16 19:18:20 UTC 2008
The following issue has been CLOSED
Reported By: artemys
Assigned To: buildroot
Project: buildroot
Issue ID: 4164
Category: Shared Library Support
Reproducibility: always
Severity: minor
Priority: normal
Status: closed
Resolution: reopened
Fixed in Version:
Date Submitted: 07-16-2008 08:31 PDT
Last Modified: 08-16-2008 12:18 PDT
Summary: SDL_ttf needs SDL to be compiled first
It is possible to select the build of SDL_ttf even if SDL is not selected.
-> compilation error
Correction patch attached.
Same should apply to SDL_mixer...
Relationships ID Summary
has duplicate 0004154 SDL_ttf doesn't compile if freetype pac...
bernhardf - 07-16-08 08:47
--- package/sdl_ttf/Config.in.org 2008-07-16 17:10:29.000000000 +0200
+++ package/sdl_ttf/Config.in 2008-07-16 17:10:57.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
bool "SDL_TTF"
default n
+ depends on BR2_PACKAGE_SDL
yes, exactly.
SDL_ttf is a sample TrueType font library. It allows you to
--- package/sdl_ttf/sdl_ttf.mk.org 2008-07-16 17:29:42.000000000 +0200
+++ package/sdl_ttf/sdl_ttf.mk 2008-07-16 17:30:06.000000000 +0200
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
cp -dpf $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib/libSDL_ttf*.so* $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/lib/
-SDL sdl_ttf: uclibc $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/lib/libSDL_ttf.so
+SDL_TTF sdl_ttf: uclibc $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/lib/libSDL_ttf.so
That caps "SDL_TTF" sounds wrong (or at least redundant).
Also, i suspect that you will need to have libsdl.so as prereq, something
sdl_ttf: uclibc $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/lib/libSDL.so \
artemys - 07-16-08 10:24
sdl_ttf: uclibc sdl $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/lib/libSDL_ttf.so
will also work, I think...
artemys - 07-17-08 00:20
If I try to compile SDL_ttf with SDL not already selected, then I have the
same problem as issue http://busybox.net/bugs/view.php?id=2174
bernhardf - 07-17-08 00:59
That's why "depends on BR2_PACKAGE_SDL" is the correct thing to do, yes
(and i stated it was correct).
Please attach a complete, tested patch so somebody can apply it to svn.
TIA and cheers,
artemys - 07-17-08 01:29
New patch added (sdl_ttf-depends-on-sdl_v2.patch)
jacmet - 07-17-08 02:51
Thanks, committed.
bernhardf - 07-17-08 03:37
If an issue is fixed then the convention is to set it to "closed".
bernhardf - 07-17-08 03:38
So, if this is fixed then it should be closed as in "closed".
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
07-16-08 08:31 artemys New Issue
07-16-08 08:31 artemys Status new => assigned
07-16-08 08:31 artemys Assigned To => buildroot
07-16-08 08:31 artemys File Added: sdl_ttf-depends-on-sdl.patch
07-16-08 08:47 bernhardf Note Added: 0009404
07-16-08 10:24 artemys Note Added: 0009414
07-17-08 00:20 artemys Note Added: 0009524
07-17-08 00:59 bernhardf Note Added: 0009534
07-17-08 01:27 artemys Issue Monitored: artemys
07-17-08 01:28 artemys File Added: sdl_ttf-depends-on-sdl_v2.patch
07-17-08 01:29 artemys Note Added: 0009554
07-17-08 02:51 jacmet Status assigned => resolved
07-17-08 02:51 jacmet Resolution open => fixed
07-17-08 02:51 jacmet Note Added: 0009594
07-17-08 03:36 bernhardf Relationship added has duplicate 0004154
07-17-08 03:37 bernhardf Status resolved => feedback
07-17-08 03:37 bernhardf Resolution fixed => reopened
07-17-08 03:37 bernhardf Note Added: 0009604
07-17-08 03:38 bernhardf Note Added: 0009614
07-17-08 03:38 bernhardf Status feedback => assigned
08-16-08 12:18 jacmet Status assigned => closed
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