[Buildroot] Problem compiling microperl package for a virtex ii pro xc2vp30 (using a ppc405 no fpu)
d.albano at gmail.com
Sun May 10 10:18:36 UTC 2009
i've founded the problem, but i'm still recompiling all to be sure it will be ok
makedepend script in perl-5.8.8 directory is buggy: he tries to
launch a sed without putting the closing single quote.
Line 106 is
*/*) finc="-I`echo $file | sed 's#/[^/]*$##`" ;;
but should be
*/*) finc="-I`echo $file | sed 's#/[^/]*$##'`" ;;
launching manually mkdepend on x2p directory doesn't give the error anymore.
I've commented the sed related to makefile in x2p directory too
Here there is a little patch to fix this problem
daniele at daniele-desktop:~/Development/Projects/xupv2p/Buildroot/package/microperl$
cat microperl.makedepend-fix-quote.patch
--- makedepend 2009-05-10 11:27:11.032334188 +0200
+++ makedepend.quote-fixed 2009-05-10 11:31:42.293834325 +0200
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
*.y) filebase=`basename $file .y` ;;
case "$file" in
- */*) finc="-I`echo $file | sed 's#/[^/]*$##`" ;;
+ */*) finc="-I`echo $file | sed 's#/[^/]*$##'`" ;;
*) finc= ;;
$echo "Finding dependencies for $filebase$_o."
However i get more errors
cd lib/unicore && ../../miniperl -I../../lib mktables -w
./miniperl -Ilib lib/lib_pm.PL
cd x2p; /usr/bin/make s2p
Making x2p stuff
make[2]: ingresso nella directory
make[2]: ingresso nella directory
../miniperl -I../lib s2p.PL
You haven't done a "make depend" yet!
make[2]: *** [hash.o] Errore 1
make[2]: uscita dalla directory
make[1]: *** [translators] Errore 2
make[1]: *** In attesa di lavori non terminati...
Extracting lib.pm (with variable substitutions)
Extracting s2p (with variable substitutions)
Linking s2p to psed.
make[2]: uscita dalla directory
touch uni.data
make[1]: uscita dalla directory
An error is expected on make
touch /home/daniele/Development/Projects/xupv2p/Buildroot/build_powerpc/perl-5.8.8/.host_make
-i -e 's#^.*<asm/page.h>.*##g'
impossibile leggere
Nessun file o directory
make: *** [/home/daniele/Development/Projects/xupv2p/Buildroot/build_powerpc/perl-5.8.8/.host_make_fixed]
Errore 2
So i modified target/generic/Config.in to drop support for autoconf,
automake and microperl ... i'm checking if it compiles successfully
2009/5/10 daniele_dll <d.albano at gmail.com>:
> Hi to all,
> i'm trying to set up a development platform on a virtex ii board
> (ppc405 no fpu based board) but i getting some problems. I'm tryng to
> compile all the stuff but when it should compiler microperl package
> give an error!
> I've seen on archives that there was a problem related to this on
> 2009.02-rc3 build of buildroot but there wasn't any solution.
> Here there is some output:
> ------------------------
> [SNIP]
> ------------------------
> makefile in x2p directory is missing!
> I need to add the development tools to the root filesystem, someone
> has a solution or a suggestion?
> Attached there is my .config file!
> Thank you for this great work!!!
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