[Buildroot] Buildroot and version control systems

Vornefeld, Bernhard Bernhard.Vornefeld at mep.de
Fri Oct 2 10:19:59 UTC 2009


We are rather new in working with embedded linux.
We're using a toolchain from ICnova for AVR32 microcontrollers, which is based on buildroot.
We want to handle source code using a local version control system (e.g. SVN or git).
Is there a "best practice" to manage a daily used buildroot via version control?
Is ignoring the /output - tree during check-ins a must?


MEP Kutsch GmbH & Co. KG 
Flaßkuhle 1 
58452 Witten 
Tel.:  02302 28262-36 
Fax.: 02302 28262-99 

mailto:bernhard.vornefeld at mep.de 

http://www.mep.de <http://www.mep.de/>  

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