[Buildroot] crosstool/buildroot ldconfig failure in "target-finalize" during build using Fedora 13

Baruch Siach baruch at tkos.co.il
Sun Aug 8 05:11:49 UTC 2010

Hi Darcy,

On Fri, Aug 06, 2010 at 08:49:39AM -0700, Darcy Watkins wrote:
> After upgrading my build machine from Fedora 10 to Fedora 13 it appears
> that the host's "ldconfig" command is no longer usable for cross build
> application.  The build thus fails when it attempts to execute
> /sbin/ldconfig during the "target-finalize" stage.
> When building using the internal toolchain generated by buildroot, I do
> not see an issue.  When using an external toolchain such as crosstool-ng
> it shows up.
> To work around the issue I pulled in the July 26th changeset to the
> Makefile to check for and use a $(TARGET_CROSS)ldconfig and then I
> modified my copy of crosstool (version 1.7.2) so that it would install
> the cross ldconfig along with its cross ldd.  That gets me working fine
> for uclibc builds.
> When I tried a glibc build, there is no cross ldconfig available.
> I also notice that in crosstool 1.8.0 the cross ldd is replaced by a
> script so the cross ldconfig may not even be available (I don't know for
> sure since so far I have only seen the notes in the changelog and
> haven't actually tried crosstool 1.8.0 yet).
> It appears to me that the assumption an external toolchain will provide
> a cross ldconfig is not valid and the assumption that the host ldconfig
> is usable as a cross tool in the absence of this is no longer valid.
> Since it is the buildroot "target-finalize" that needs a usable ldconfig
> I figure it is appropriate to raise this matter here for discussion
> first.
> Anyone have suggestions as to how best to approach this?

See http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.uclibc.buildroot/23058. I have 
also encountered this problem after upgrading glibc on my Debian machine.


                                                     ~. .~   Tk Open Systems
   - baruch at tkos.co.il - tel: +972.2.679.5364, http://www.tkos.co.il -

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