[Buildroot] Note on the large files support in sqlite(as part of Qt)

Peter Korsgaard jacmet at uclibc.org
Wed Jul 6 21:23:28 UTC 2011

>>>>> "Sergey" == Sergey Gusarov <laborer2008 at gmail.com> writes:

 Sergey> Hi all,
 Sergey> In git i saw a
 Sergey> http://git.buildroot.net/buildroot/commit/?id=7e4d47593850851d6fcaa6068258c16cc8761ab5
 Sergey> commit, but it seems it is no longer necessary.
 Sergey> Look at this page http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-15395
 Sergey> Patch from qt bugtracker already included in the upstream, at least it
 Sergey> is in the Qt 4.7.3 release.
 Sergey> This means that the qt build system itself conveys the desired
 Sergey> flag(-DSQLITE_DISABLE_LFS) for sqlite.


$ grep -rls SQLITE_DISABLE_LFS qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.3

Did you try it?

Bye, Peter Korsgaard

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