[Buildroot] Issues with ARMv7a glibc toolchain using buildroot

Rajendra Dendukuri rajendra at broadcom.com
Thu Jan 9 00:24:59 UTC 2014


I tried doing a buildroot toolchain with glibc 2.18 as libc for an ARMv7a CPU target. I find that dynamically linked executable files are not working and are throwing an error. I am using busybox as /init and it works only if statically compiled. Rest of the binaries which are dynamically linked are not working.

# /sbin/fw_printenv
-sh: /sbin/fw_printenv: not found

Did anyone face similar issues when using buildroot glibc toolchain? Am I missing any secret configuration. I also tried eglibc option and it resulted in same error.

Another issue I noticed is that when I do a file command on the executable it shows a very old kernel version whereas we are using kernel headers with linux version 3.6.5.

-bash-3.2$ file fw_printenv
fw_printenv: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.16, stripped

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