[Buildroot] How can I force re-compile of a local package with a single command?

Émeric Vigier emeric.vigier at savoirfairelinux.com
Wed Jun 4 17:54:19 UTC 2014

Hi Makers,

I added a package to buildroot which has a lot of
warnings at compile time. I am currently fixing 
these warnings. But I am annoyed that 
<package>-rebuild does not force recompilation of 
source files (that have not changed). I mean some
files have warnings but still compile. Worth to 
mention that my package is local, i.e. buildroot 
rsyncs my sources, no tarball in dl/.

I need a way to force recompiling them to check 
and fix those warnings. So far I do:

 $ make <package>-dirclean
 $ make <package>

By intuition, I would have thought that:

 $ make <package>-rebuild
 $ make <package>-reconfigure

would do the job, but they don't. IMHO, for local
packages, this is counterintuitive. The thing is,
one might _want_ to recompile an object eventhough
the source has not changed. This is my case here.

Is there a single command I can issue to rebuild
_and_ force recompilation of my local package?


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