[Buildroot] [PATCH v7 06/18] core: make host *-config scripts relocatable

Samuel Martin s.martin49 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 22:58:47 UTC 2016

This change adjusts the _CONFIG_SCRIPTS hook to set add {exec_,}prefix computed
relatively to the script location.

This patch only fixes *-config scripts located in the host area, those
from the target and staging area are already handled.

This hook is a kind of brute-force sed on all files matching '*-config'
in the $(HOST_DIR)/usr/bin directory. This allows correctly handle
script whose name may depends on the host system, not the target
configuration (e.g. ncurses can be configured for the target to be
ncurses6w, so ncurses6w-config ; whereas for the host it will be
ncurses5, so ncurses5-config).
Since there way less host packages than target ones, it is reasonable to
assume that processing all *-config scripts found when a host package
(whose target package set the *_CONFIG_SCRIPTS variable) is fairly short
and does not add its overhead not even noticeable.

Signed-off-by: Samuel Martin <s.martin49 at gmail.com>

changes v6->v7:
- none

changes v5->v6:
- new patch
 package/pkg-generic.mk | 12 ++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+)

diff --git a/package/pkg-generic.mk b/package/pkg-generic.mk
index ffa21ee..845c8d3 100644
--- a/package/pkg-generic.mk
+++ b/package/pkg-generic.mk
@@ -207,6 +207,18 @@ $(BUILD_DIR)/%/.stamp_host_installed:
 	$(foreach hook,$($(PKG)_PRE_INSTALL_HOOKS),$(call $(hook))$(sep))
 	$(foreach hook,$($(PKG)_POST_INSTALL_HOOKS),$(call $(hook))$(sep))
+	$(Q)if test -n "$($(RAWNAME)_CONFIG_SCRIPTS)" ; then \
+		$(call MESSAGE,"Fixing package configuration files") ;\
+			ls $(HOST_DIR)/usr/bin/*-config 2>/dev/null |\
+			xargs --no-run-if-empty \
+			$(SED)  "s,$(BASE_DIR), at BASE_DIR@,g" \
+				-e "s,$(HOST_DIR), at HOST_DIR@,g" \
+				-e "s,^\(exec_\)\?prefix=.*,\1prefix=\`dirname \$$0\`/../../usr,g" \
+				-e "s,-I/usr/,-I at HOST_DIR@/usr/,g" \
+				-e "s,-L/usr/,-L at HOST_DIR@/usr/,g" \
+				-e "s, at HOST_DIR@,$(HOST_DIR),g" \
+				-e "s, at BASE_DIR@,$(BASE_DIR),g" ;\
+	fi
 	@$(call step_end,install-host)
 	$(Q)touch $@

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