[Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] pkg-download: use raw basename for repo archiving to remove host- prefix

Thomas De Schampheleire patrickdepinguin at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 10:31:07 UTC 2016

On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 10:52 PM, Arnout Vandecappelle <arnout at mind.be> wrote:
>  Hi Thomas,
>  Excellent commit message!
> On 17-10-16 15:08, Thomas De Schampheleire wrote:
>> From: Thomas De Schampheleire <thomas.de.schampheleire at gmail.com>
>> For packages that use a version control repository rather than a pre-made
>> tarball, the directory prefix used inside the tarball is currently
>> FOO_BASE_NAME, which can be 'foo' or 'host-foo'.
>> This means that the hash of such tarball will be different for target and
>> host packages, even though the contents are exactly the same. Hence, if the
>> hash file is created based on 'foo', and later a fresh build is made where
>> 'host-foo' happens to be built before 'foo' (with a different config, for
>> example), the hash will be detected as incorrect and a new download is
>> started.
>> This problem does not affect many packages/users, due to the number of
>> conditions to be met:
>> - the package should be available for target _and_ host
>> - the package needs to use a VCS download method, e.g. git, hg, svn, ...
>>   This does not include standard github downloads, which download a pre-made
>>   archive.
>> - there should be a hash file containing the hash of the downloaded archive.
>>   Since normally there is no hash file for packages with sources coming from
>>   a version control system, this restricts even further. Some examples of
>>   packages in this category that do have a hash file (but not necessarily
>>   match the earlier conditions): expedite, vexpress-firmware, squashfs, ...
>> - the archive needs to be stored in a 'primary site' after initial archiving
>>   and thus be downloaded later using a non-version-controlled method, like
>>   wget or scp. This is because the version control download methods do not
>>   receive a '-H' parameter pointing to the hash file and thus no hashes are
>>   checked at all even if the file is present.
>  This is wrong (i.e., a bug), in two ways:
> - for reproducible download methods (git at least; is hg archive reproducible?),
> the hash *should* be checked;

Yes, as far as I know hg archive behaves just like git archive and is

> - for non-reproducible download methods, the hash *should not* be checked when
> downloading from primary or secondary - if it is a non-reproducible download
> method, then the hash in primary or secondary may also be wrong.

Can you give an example of a non-reproducible download?

>  The second case, however, i.e. the one you are hitting, should already be
> covered... In DOWNLOAD_INNER, we set BR_NO_CHECK_HASH_FOR=$(2) for the
> non-hash-checked download methods. Ah, of course, it's not the hash check that
> fails, it's the fact that a hash file is present but the tarball isn't mentioned
> in it.

In the case of squashfs, there is a hashfile, the tarball _is_
mentioned in it, but either the vcs method is used and then the hash
file is not checked, or a primary site is used and then the hash file
is checked but the hash is incorrect if it was downloaded as

>  Actually, we could make all download methods reproducible using the method that
> we use for git to make a reproducible tarball. Well, maybe CVS is an exception.
>> While packages matching the third condition could be considered to be 'wrong'
>> and need to be fixed, it does actually makes sense to have a hash file for
>> packages from version control, in particular if they are stored in a
>> primary site as mentioned in the last condition.
>> Regardless of any different opinions on the previous paragraph, it is also
>> not conceptually correct that a tarball of a package source can contain a
>> Buildroot-specific directory prefix 'host-'.
>  Even worse, it is incorrect that the tarball name depends on the order in which
> things are executed...

The tarball name itself was correct for squashfs and thus git. I
haven't explicitly checked the other download methods.
It was only the contents.

>> Therefore, use
>> FOO_RAW_BASE_NAME instead of FOO_BASE_NAME when calling the dl-wrapper.
>> Example test scenario that exhibits the problem:
>> $ rm -rf /tmp/dl dl/squashfs-9c1db6d13a51a2e009f0027ef336ce03624eac0d.tar.gz
>> $ make qemu_x86_64_defconfig
>> $ make host-squashfs-dirclean host-squashfs-source
>> $ mkdir /tmp/dl
>> $ mv dl/squashfs-9c1db6d13a51a2e009f0027ef336ce03624eac0d.tar.gz /tmp/dl/
>> $ sed -i -e 's,BR2_PRIMARY_SITE=.*,BR2_PRIMARY_SITE="file:///tmp/dl",' \
>>          -e '/BR2_PRIMARY_SITE/aBR2_PRIMARY_SITE_ONLY=y'  .config
>> $ make host-squashfs-dirclean host-squashfs-source
>  All right! As soon as the test infra is merged we can add a test for this!
>> Signed-off-by: Thomas De Schampheleire <thomas.de.schampheleire at gmail.com>
> Reviewed-by: Arnout Vandecappelle (Essensium/Mind) <arnout at mind.be>


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