[Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/go: bump to version 1.12

Arnout Vandecappelle arnout at mind.be
Tue Mar 12 09:28:42 UTC 2019

On 12/03/2019 04:35, Christian Stewart wrote:
> Hi Arnout,
> Arnout Vandecappelle <arnout at mind.be> writes:
>>  So, since the version is explicit, it's actually completely equivalent to the
>> vendoring: it's still impossible to treat the modules as packages in the
>> Buildroot sense, since Buildroot doesn't allow the same package to have
>> different versions. It's essentially just making our life more difficult :-(.
> I don't think it makes sense to treat them as packages in this sense anyway.

 Actually, below, you do seem to suggest something that goes in that direction...

> Removing GOPATH is not as extreme as it sounds. This is just a
> re-organization of the build code to simplify it quite a bit.
> Today, the build code tries to synthesize a gopath (pkg-golang.mk):
> $(2)_WORKSPACE ?= _gopath
> $(2)_SRC_DOMAIN = $$(call domain,$$($(2)_SITE))
> $(2)_SRC_VENDOR = $$(word 1,$$(subst /, ,$$(call notdomain,$$($(2)_SITE))))
> $(2)_SRC_SOFTWARE = $$(word 2,$$(subst /, ,$$(call notdomain,$$($(2)_SITE))))
> $(2)_SRC_SUBDIR ?= $$($(2)_SRC_DOMAIN)/$$($(2)_SRC_VENDOR)/$$($(2)_SRC_SOFTWARE)
> $(2)_SRC_PATH = $$(@D)/$$($(2)_WORKSPACE)/src/$$($(2)_SRC_SUBDIR)
> mkdir -p $$(dir $$($(2)_SRC_PATH))
> ln -sf $$(@D) $$($(2)_SRC_PATH)
> GOPATH="$$(@D)/$$($(2)_WORKSPACE)"
> This creates the following directory structure:
> $(@D)/pkg_gopath/src/github.com/myorg/mypackage/CODE_SYMLINKED_HERE
> Then the Go tool is configured to use pkg_gopath as the GOPATH.
> With the Go modules system, even if a Go project is not configured to
> use Go modules at all, it no longer is necessary to build a GOPATH.
> With the absence of a go.mod and go.sum file, and the presence of a
> vendor/ dir, the Go tool will now correctly recognize the vendor/ and
> build outside GOPATH. This defaults GO111MODULE=on when Go is invoked
> outside GOPATH. In Go 1.13, GOPATH will be removed completely (or at
> least, deprecated).
> In buildroot, we can simplify the code significantly with this new
> construction. We can simply extract code to $(@D), enable GO111MODULE,
> and the build will function correctly.

 Hell yeah! As a first step, that sounds like a great move. So we'd have:

1. Bump package/go
2. Set GO111MODULE=on and remove GOPATH from pkg-golang
3. Remove now-unused PKG_SRC_{DOMAIN,VENDOR,...} from packages
4. Remove this stuff from documentation

 Step 2 should probably also set GOPROXY=off in all steps to avoid accidental
downloads. Maybe we should even export GOPROXY=off and enable it only in the
specific cases where it needs to be enabled? That would be a fifth patch.

>>> This would allow us to pin versioning
>>> and tightly control download checksumming through the package.hash ->
>>> go.sum merkle tree.
>>  I may miss something, but if it's in vendor/ in the upstream git repo (either
>> as a submodule or as a copy), it's also tightly controlled and checksummed,
>> right? 
> The build would be executed with go build -mod=vendor, which tells the
> Go tool to ignore go.mod and use vendor/ only. Then, if vendor/ is
> already present in the upstream Git repo, we can skip the "go mod
> download" and "go mod vendor" steps.

 So that would be the current sitatuation then.

> The result is that the Go tool uses the following directory layout
> regardless of if Go modules download/extract was used during the
> download phase:
>  - $(@D)/vendor: contains all deps extracted
>  - $(@D)/go.mod: contains at minimum "module github.com/myorg/mymodule"

 Is this go.mod then autogenerated by 'go build -mod=vendor' or do we need to
generate it in a post-patch hook?

>> So I don't think this is really bringing any value. For us, I mean - I
>> imagine it *does* bring value for people developing Go packages.
> If we ignore vendor/ in the upstream Git repository and introduce our
> own go.mod, it would allow us to tightly control changes to dependencies
> (including security updates) within the Buildroot project, even if
> upstream maintainers do not update their vendor trees. This is
> especially important when we are using older revisions of projects that
> do not maintain release branches with vendored code.
> In short, this would allow us to centralize the responsibility of Go
> dependency management in the Go module system, store all dependencies in
> the GOPROXY mechanism / Buildroot download directory, and force upgrades
> of dependencies for older revisions of projects without introducing
> large code vendoring patches into the Buildroot tree.

 It sounds to me like a bit too big of an endeavor for the small Buildroot
project to take on... Upstream Go just doesn't have a decent security story for
not-well-maintained packages, and I don't think that there's much we can do
about it.

>>> If a package does not have a go.mod or go.sum file, a patch would be
>>> added to Buildroot to include the files with the correct pinned
>>> dependencies.
> This seems like a viable solution -
>  1. Copy the Buildroot package directory go.mod, go.sum in if exists.
>  2. If no go.mod exists in the project, write one with the minimum
>  "module github.com/myorg/mymodule" line.
>  3. Execute "go mod download" and "go mod vendor" as discussed.
> In point #1, if vendor/ already exists, and we indicate we want to
> override vendor/, then we can delete the upstream Git vendor/ tree in
> this step.

 Yes, sounds good to me. Though I would first like to see if there actually is
any project that has both a go.mod and an existing vendor/ tree.

 What does "go mod vendor" do if a vendor/ tree already exists? Maybe we just
have to keep that behaviour, i.e. not delete the existing vendor tree and let
the go tool take care of things. It should in principle do the right thing.

>>>>>  - Configure Go to download module files to buildroot/dl/go-modules
>>  If all modules go together in a single location, there is a risk that there
>> will be two modules with the same name and version that are in reality different
>> modules. Or are the full paths repeated there? I.e., does the zip file end up
>> under a github.com/foo/bar directory?
> No. The Go tool uses an intricate path scheme to avoid collisions, and
> does not assume integrity of the on-disk cache (as far as I know).
>>> We can set the paths such that the $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download
>>> directory resolves to buildroot/dl/go-modules. According to the above
>>> documentation, a Buildroot user could then serve the dl/go-modules
>>> directory directly with a HTTP server and set GOPROXY such that all
>>> module downloads come from that server. This could be configurable
>>> eventually via the Buildroot KConfig architecture.
>>  No need for it to be configurable, it could be the BR2_PRIMARY_SITE.
> This seems like the best approach.
> Here is some reference from go help goproxy:
>   A Go module proxy is any web server that can respond to GET requests for
>   URLs of a specified form. The requests have no query parameters, so even
>   a site serving from a fixed file system (including a file:/// URL)
>   can be a module proxy.
>   The GET requests sent to a Go module proxy are:
>   GET $GOPROXY/<module>/@v/list returns a list of all known versions of the
>   given module, one per line.
>   GET $GOPROXY/<module>/@v/<version>.info returns JSON-formatted metadata
>   about that version of the given module.
>   GET $GOPROXY/<module>/@v/<version>.mod returns the go.mod file
>   for that version of the given module.
>   GET $GOPROXY/<module>/@v/<version>.zip returns the zip archive
>   for that version of the given module.
>   To avoid problems when serving from case-sensitive file systems,
>   the <module> and <version> elements are case-encoded, replacing every
>   uppercase letter with an exclamation mark followed by the corresponding
>   lower-case letter: github.com/Azure encodes as github.com/!azure.
> So perhaps we would want to add some suffix to PRIMARY_SITE.

 That's what you proposed: go-modules.

 But I'm not sure now: does the go mod download generate these auxiliary files
automatically in pkg/mod/cache/download? I.e. can we just serve $(BR2_DL_DIR) as
PRIMARY, set GOPROXY to $(BR2_PRIMARY_SITE)/go-modules, and Bob's your uncle?

> Something further down the pipe, but worth looking at for those
> interested, is the upcoming Go code notary project: 
> https://go.googlesource.com/proposal/+/master/design/25530-notary.md
>>  However, IIUC, the GOPROXY mechanism doesn't have any fallback. So I guess the
>> full solution would be to add something like go download infra that first sets
>> GOPROXY to file://$(BR2_DL_DIR)/go-modules, then to
>> $(BR2_PRIMARY_SITE)/go-modules, then direct, and finally
>> $(BR2_SECONDARY_SITE)/go-modules.
> https://github.com/golang/go/issues/26334
> Looks like indeed, it doesn't have a fallback yet. However, this is a
> bit awkward: what if our GOPROXY doesn't have just a single dependency?
> The download tree looks like:
> ├── github.com
> │   ├── davecgh
> │   │   └── go-spew
> │   │       └── @v
> │   │           ├── list
> │   │           ├── list.lock
> │   │           ├── v1.1.1.info
> │   │           └── v1.1.1.mod
> └── golang.org
>     └── x
>         ├── crypto
>         │   └── @v
>         │       ├── list
>         │       ├── list.lock
>         │       ├── v0.0.0-20180904163835-0709b304e793.info
>         │       ├── v0.0.0-20180904163835-0709b304e793.lock
>         │       ├── v0.0.0-20180904163835-0709b304e793.mod
>         │       ├── v0.0.0-20180904163835-0709b304e793.zip
>         │       └── v0.0.0-20180904163835-0709b304e793.ziphash
> I tried downloading just one dependency, then copying the
> $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/* files to GOPROXY=file://path/to/copy.
> Then, invoking Go build:
> go: finding golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20180904163835-0709b304e793
> Fetching file://goproxy/golang.org/x/crypto/@v/v0.0.0-20180904163835-0709b304e793.info
> Fetching file://goproxy/golang.org/x/crypto/@v/v0.0.0-20180904163835-0709b304e793.mod
> Okay, this worked as expected. Now, adding a new dependency:
> Fetching file://goproxy/github.com/urfave/cli/@v/list
> Fetching file://goproxy/github.com/urfave/@v/list
> Fetching file://goproxy/github.com/@v/list
> build tmod: cannot load github.com/urfave/cli: cannot find module providing package github.com/urfave/cli
> Hmm. Looks like it doesn't have a fallback yet.

 Heh, I didn't think of that: the tool tries to download *all* modules...

 What would help is if there was some kind of keep-going option. Then we can do
all the fallback on the Buildroot side, like I mentioned: first try with PRIMARY
(and download some dependencies and put it in the cache), then try with direct,
then try with SECONDARY. The last one should succeed fully, reusing things from
the cache if they were already downloaded before, and fetching them from direct
or secondary if not.

> Athens is another project addressing this area: https://github.com/gomods/athens

>>  If we anyway end up with everything extracted in the vendor tree, we can just
>> as well do that during the *download* step. Similar like we do for VCS
>> downloads: we get the *entire* source tree, including go modules, and tar that up.
>>  We'd still have a go SITE_METHOD and corresponding download helper. This one
>> would first use another download method to get the base tarball, then extract
>> it, run 'go mod vendor' with GOPROXY=direct, and create a new tarball.
>>  This way, the PRIMARY_SITE, SECONDARY_SITE, 'make source', PRIMARY_ONLY, 'make
>> source-check' would all still work. So it would be (I think) the least invasive
>> way to introduce this.
> This seems like the right approach. This all feels similar to how
> Buildroot uses the Git tool to clone a repository, check out a revision,
> and bundle up a tarball today.

 And I realize now: it would also handle legal-info, which would not be handled
correctly with everything that was proposed up to now (because the go modules
are not part of $(PKG)_ALL_DOWNLOADS, they don't get copied to legal-info output).

>>  With my proposal, this would be FOO_SITE_METHOD = go
>>  Oh BTW we'd probably also need to support something like FOO_SITE_METHOD =
>> go+git. dl-wrapper will (should) strip off the first +, the go download helper
>> would have to handle the second +. But that can be done in a follow-up patch :-)
> This is way too fancy for me to implement :)

 This would in fact not be needed if we would have the go.mod in the Buildroot
tree and use go mod to get the source itself too.

>>  I think it's worth prototyping something that is not complete yet, and send it
>> to the list with a lot of comments in the commit message about what is still
>> missing. That's probably a better basis for discussion that English text.
> Something to note: you can set GOMOD variable to the path to a go.mod file.
> Okay, I'll have a look at:
>  - use vendor/ with GO111MODULE=on, remove gopath

 That one is not controversial for sure.

>  - use -mod=vendor during build phase

 Ditto. It should essentially change nothing for our current packages, right?

>  - set GOCACHE properly (what is it set to today??)

 You already sent a patch for that :-)

>  - set GOPATH such that the Go tool downloads to dl/go-modules/pkg/mod

 That one seems useless - with the steps above, there should never be any
download done by go mod.

> And (pick one):
>  - post-extract hook with optional go.mod in repository, "go mod vendor"
>  - additional site method which "go mod vendor" and re-compress to tarball

 So these are the more controversial ones. I think you should pick the one you
like most, make a quick prototype that works for one specific package, note what
is missing in the commit log, and send it to the list for discussion.

 Thanks for this work!


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