[Buildroot] [PATCH v3 2/7] board/guest: documentation and sample files

Christian Stewart christian at paral.in
Mon Jul 27 20:49:02 UTC 2020


On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 2:46 AM Peter Korsgaard <peter at korsgaard.com> wrote:
>  > +    $ docker build --tag br:guest .
>  > +    $ docker images
>  > +    REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
>  > +    br                  guest               0c54c85a3452        42 seconds ago      1.75MB
> NIT: Why not just use docker import rootfs.tar br:test?

This works too, but I tend to add some adjustments to the image in the
Dockerfile. Of course, these could be added in the build process, and
probably would be better suited there.


FROM scratch

ENV container docker
ENV init /lib/systemd/systemd

ADD rootfs.tar /

USER root
RUN find /etc/systemd/system \
         /usr/lib/systemd/system \
         \( -path '*.wants/*' \
         -name '*swapon*' \
         -or -name '*ntpd*' \
         -or -name '*resolved*' \
         -or -name '*udev*' \
         -or -name '*rdisc*' \
         -or -name '*freedesktop*' \
         -or -name '*persist-resize*' \
         -or -name '*NetworkManager*' \
         -or -name '*remount-fs*' \
         -or -name '*getty*' \
         -or -name '*.mount' \
         -or -name '*remote-fs*' \) \
         -exec echo \{} \; \
         -exec rm \{} \;

RUN systemctl set-default multi-user.target && \
    systemctl mask tmp.mount && \
    touch /etc/skip-skiff-mounts && \
    touch /etc/skip-skiff-journal-mounts
COPY fstab /etc/fstab

VOLUME [ "/sys/fs/cgroup", "/mnt/persist", "/mnt/rootfs" ]
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/lib/systemd/systemd"]

Christian Stewart

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