[Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/wireguard-linux-compat: add missing comment about kernel dependency

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998 at free.fr
Sat Oct 16 12:10:10 UTC 2021

Peter, All,

On 2021-10-16 10:46 +0200, Peter Korsgaard spake thusly:
> >>>>> "Fabrice" == Fabrice Fontaine <fontaine.fabrice at gmail.com> writes:
>  > Add a comment when kernel is not enabled (missing since the addition of
>  > the package in commit de591c5c3a93a40d049a32bd79c30cc66daf5fb2)
> Is this really a sensible comment? I would imagine that needing a Linux
> kernel is an obvious requirement for a kernel driver?

Remember that some people build their kernel outside of Buildroot, or
do not build it at all, so they may not think of this as "an obvious

I agree with Fabrice: we have that comment in quite some places, and
this is explicitly documented in our manual:

    18.2.5. Dependencies on a Linux kernel built by buildroot

    Some packages need a Linux kernel to be built by buildroot. These
    are typically kernel modules or firmware. A comment should be added
    in the Config.in file to express this dependency, similar to
    dependencies on toolchain options. The general format is:

        foo needs a Linux kernel to be built

Yann E. MORIN.

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