November 2024 Archives by date
Starting: Fri Nov 1 01:18:03 UTC 2024
Ending: Sat Nov 30 22:38:05 UTC 2024
Messages: 1439
- [Buildroot] Message Delivery Notification(Failure)
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/procps-ng: fix pidfd_open checking
Scott Fan
- [Buildroot] package/flannel: bump to version 0.26.0
Geoff Levand
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-10-31
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [RFC PATCH 1/2] toolchain: add BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_ATOMIC_TEST_AND_SET option
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libnl: bump to version 3.11.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v3 1/8] configs/qemu_aarch64_sbsa_defconfig: update ATF to v2.11
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v3 6/8] support/testing: test_edk2: update and re-enable the test
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v3 7/8] support/testing: test_fwts: update and re-enable the test
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v3 8/8] support/testing: test_grub: update and re-enable the test
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] board/mender: sync with board/pc
Cherniaev Andrei
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v3 6/8] support/testing: test_edk2: update and re-enable the test
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] board/qemu/riscv{32, 64}-virt: nommu: needs virtio-blk device
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/python-twisted: add missing python3-zlib dependency
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/python-flit-core: bump to 3.10.0
Marcus Hoffmann
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/python-flit-core: bump to 3.10.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/python-flit-core: bump to 3.10.0
Marcus Hoffmann
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] package/python-emailproxy: new package
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2] package/python-flit-core: bump to 3.10.0
Marcus Hoffmann
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/qemu: fix qemu 9.x issue for AArch32 Secure PL1&0
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pydantic-settings: bump to version 2.6.1
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-aioconsole: bump to version 0.8.1
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-boto3: bump to version 1.35.53
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 5/6] package/{mesa3d, mesa3d-headers}: bump version to 24.2.6
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-botocore: bump to version 1.35.53
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-colorlog: bump to version 6.9.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-google-api-core: bump to version 2.22.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-grpcio-reflection: bump to version 1.67.1
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-grpcio: bump to version 1.67.1
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-janus: bump to version 1.1.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCHv2 1/3] package/python-twisted: add missing python3-zlib dependency
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [PATCHv2 2/3] package/python-twisted: add missing python3-xml dependency
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [PATCHv2 3/3] package/python-magic-wormhole-mailbox-server: add missing python-setuptools dependency
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/swig: bump to version 4.3.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-m2crypto: bump to version 0.43.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-multipart: bump to version 0.0.17
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] package/python-emailproxy: new package
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-mwscrape: bump to version 2e153faa678b90402ca87aa765f7d11386d7942c
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-mwscrape2slob: bump to version 69eb1c90d2cce75cb91601763bcf8fad8ff8366d
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pdm-backend: bump to version 2.4.3
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/6] package/libdrm: add host variant
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/6] package/llvm-project/libclc: add host variant
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 3/6] package/spirv-llvm-translator: add target variant to provide LLVMSPIRVLib
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 4/6] package/spirv-tools: add host variant
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 6/6] package/mesa3d: add option to enable VIRTIO vulkan driver
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 5/6] package/{mesa3d, mesa3d-headers}: bump version to 24.2.6
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 5/6] package/{mesa3d, mesa3d-headers}: bump version to 24.2.6
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pydal: bump to version 20241027.1
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pydantic-core: bump to version 2.25.1
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pyphen: bump to version 0.17.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pysmi: bump to version 1.5.6
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pythran: bump to version 0.17.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-rpds-py: bump to version 0.20.1
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-sdbus: bump to version 0.13.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/qemu: fix qemu 9.x issue for AArch32 Secure PL1&0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/qemu: fix qemu 9.x issue for AArch32 Secure PL1&0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-selenium: bump to version 4.26.1
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] board/qemu/riscv{32, 64}-virt: nommu: needs virtio-blk device
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] board/qemu/riscv{32, 64}-virt: nommu: needs virtio-blk device
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-twisted: add missing python3-zlib dependency
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-twisted: add missing python3-xml dependency
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-magic-wormhole-mailbox-server: add missing python-setuptools dependency
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCHv2 1/3] package/python-twisted: add missing python3-zlib dependency
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/rust/rust: remove Cargo.toml.orig fixup
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-setuptools: bump to version 75.3.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 5/6] package/{mesa3d, mesa3d-headers}: bump version to 24.2.6
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-tqdm: bump to version 4.66.6
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-typeguard: bump to version 4.4.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] package/python-tinyhtml5: new package
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] package/python-weasyprint: bump to version 63.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-werkzeug: bump to version 3.1.1
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-yarl: bump to version 1.17.1
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/util-linux: allowing building even on non-Y2038 compliant systems
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/6] package/libdrm: add host variant
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/6] package/llvm-project/libclc: add host variant
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 3/6] package/spirv-llvm-translator: add target variant to provide LLVMSPIRVLib
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 4/6] package/spirv-tools: add host variant
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v3 5/6] package/{mesa3d, mesa3d-headers}: bump version to 24.2.6
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 6/6] package/mesa3d: add option to enable VIRTIO vulkan driver
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] {linux, linux-headers}: bump 5.15.x / 6.{1, 6, 11}.x series
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v0 1/1] board/nvidia/bf3: new DPU board
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [ =?UTF-8?B?XSBDbGllbnQgY29uZmlndXJhdGlvbiBzZXR0aW5ncyBlcnJvciBmb3Ig4oCc?=buildroot at
cPanel on
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-01
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libpng: fix arm build
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 0/7] Initial support for SolidRun LX2160A-CEX7
Vladimir Oltean
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/7] platform/layerscape: bump Linux Factory tag to lf-6.6.36-2.1.0
Vladimir Oltean
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/7] package/qoriq-ddr-phy-binary: new package
Vladimir Oltean
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 3/7] package/qoriq-mc-binary: new package
Vladimir Oltean
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 4/7] package/qoriq-mc-utils: new package
Vladimir Oltean
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 5/7] package/qoriq-restool: new package
Vladimir Oltean
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 7/7] board/freescale: get rid of common patch folder
Vladimir Oltean
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] support/testing: TestPythonPy3Incremental: update expected string
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v0 1/1] board/nvidia/bf3: new DPU board
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/exfatprogs: fix TestExfatProgs
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] Validate Your buildroot at
Webmail Team
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/exfatprogs: add patch to fix exfatlabel
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] support/testing: TestPythonPy3Incremental: update expected string
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/util-linux: allowing building even on non-Y2038 compliant systems
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 11/13] package/polkit: bump version to 125
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/polkit: disable PIDFD when systemd is not available
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/1] configs/nvidia_bf3_defconfig: new defconfig
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/libnvme: bump to version 1.11
Giulio Benetti
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-02
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/ffmpeg: fix build on riscv32
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/ffmpeg: fix build on riscv32
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] board/mender/x86_64/ use bash for
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/xmrig: bump version to 6.22.2
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/exfatprogs: fix TestExfatProgs
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] support/testing: TestPythonPy3Incremental: update expected string
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/util-linux: allowing building even on non-Y2038 compliant systems
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] configs/nvidia_bf3_defconfig: new defconfig
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/1] configs/nvidia_bf3_defconfig: new defconfig
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] board/mender/x86_64/ use bash for
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] board/mender/x86_64/ use bash for
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/libnvme: bump to version 1.11
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/libnvme: bump to version 1.11
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] arch/arm: add the Cortex-A78 core
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] configs/versal_vek280_defconfig: new defconfig
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
Mail Delivery System
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v4 1/1] configs/versal_vek280_defconfig: new defconfig
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] package/opkg: bump to version 0.7.0
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] package/opkg-utils: bump to version 0.7.0
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] buildroot at have 7 Pending incoming emails Server Support
- [Buildroot] buildroot at have 7 Pending incoming emails Server Support
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-03
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/pkg-meson: use --clearcache instead of rm -rf
Cherniaev Andrei
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/2] configs/versal: re-adding xilinx-prebuilt version
Neal Frager
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 2/2] configs/zynqmp: re-adding xilinx-prebuilt version
Neal Frager
- [Buildroot] Encrypted Message Received
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/2] configs/versal: re-adding xilinx-prebuilt version
Luca Ceresoli
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 2/2] configs/zynqmp: re-adding xilinx-prebuilt version
Luca Ceresoli
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/pkg-meson: use --clearcache instead of rm -rf
Nicolas Cavallari
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] package/libzenoh-c: bump to version 1.0.1
Michel Alex
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] package/libzenoh-pico: bump to version 1.0.1
Michel Alex
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/procps-ng: fix pidfd_open checking
Scott Fan
- [Buildroot] [PATCH RESEND v4] linux: Install artifacts to staging for kmod build
Adam Michaelis
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/pkg-meson: use --clearcache instead of rm -rf
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 3/3] boot/ti-k3-r5-loader: use HOST_ARM_GNU_TOOLCHAIN_SUPPORTS
Bryce Johnson
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 3/3] boot/ti-k3-r5-loader: use HOST_ARM_GNU_TOOLCHAIN_SUPPORTS
Bryce Johnson
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/2] configs/versal: re-adding xilinx-prebuilt version
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/opkg: bump to version 0.7.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/opkg-utils: bump to version 0.7.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] package/opkg: bump to version 0.7.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libsolv: bump version to 0.7.30
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] Your mailbox is full.
buildroot at
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v4 1/1] configs/versal_vek280_defconfig: new defconfig
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/mbedtls: security bump to 2.28.9
Francois Perrad
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/gnupg2: bump to version 2.4.6
Francois Perrad
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/gnupg2: bump to version 2.4.6
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/swig: bump to version 4.3.0
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/gnupg2: bump to version 2.4.6
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/nfs-utils: bump version to 2.8.1
Giulio Benetti
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2] package/python-flit-core: bump to 3.10.0
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pydantic-settings: bump to version 2.6.1
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-flit-core: bump to 3.10.0
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-pydantic-settings: bump to version 2.6.1
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-aioconsole: bump to version 0.8.1
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-boto3: bump to version 1.35.53
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-botocore: bump to version 1.35.53
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-colorlog: bump to version 6.9.0
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-google-api-core: bump to version 2.22.0
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-grpcio-reflection: bump to version 1.67.1
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-grpcio: bump to version 1.67.1
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-janus: bump to version 1.1.0
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-m2crypto: bump to version 0.43.0
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-multipart: bump to version 0.0.17
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-mwscrape: bump to version 2e153faa678b90402ca87aa765f7d11386d7942c
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-mwscrape2slob: bump to version 69eb1c90d2cce75cb91601763bcf8fad8ff8366d
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-pdm-backend: bump to version 2.4.3
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-pydantic-core: bump to version 2.25.1
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-pydal: bump to version 20241027.1
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-pyphen: bump to version 0.17.0
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-pysmi: bump to version 1.5.6
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-pythran: bump to version 0.17.0
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-rpds-py: bump to version 0.20.1
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-sdbus: bump to version 0.13.0
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-selenium: bump to version 4.26.1
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-setuptools: bump to version 75.3.0
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-tqdm: bump to version 4.66.6
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-typeguard: bump to version 4.4.0
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-tinyhtml5: new package
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-weasyprint: bump to version 63.0
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-werkzeug: bump to version 3.1.1
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-yarl: bump to version 1.17.1
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pydantic-settings: bump to version 2.6.1
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/swig: bump to version 4.3.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/opkg: fix --without-xattr configure option typo
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v4 2/2] configs/stm32mp157*_dk*: bump TF-A to 2.11, Linux to 6.9.12 and U-Boot to 2024.10
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/opkg: add optional libsolv dependency
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/nfs-utils: bump version to 2.8.1
Petr Vorel
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-cryptography: requires RC4 support in openssl
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/libtirpc: bump version to 1.3.6
Petr Vorel
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] configs/rock5b_defconfig: add missing U-Boot build dependency
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/nfs-utils: bump version to 2.8.1
Giulio Benetti
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-cryptography: requires RC4 support in openssl
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] support/testing: add audit runtime test
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] support/testing: add audit runtime test
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/lua-lsdbus: bump to version ae5e674e5e792dd72e4164c436ca7b064158e7c6
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/lua-lsdbus: bump to version ae5e674e5e792dd72e4164c436ca7b064158e7c6
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] configs/qemu_aarch64_sbsa_defconfig: update ATF to v2.11
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [git commit] support/testing: disable tests using edk2 on aarch64 architecture
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [git commit] boot/edk2: bump to version edk2-stable202405
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [git commit] configs/qemu_aarch64_sbsa_defconfig: switch to neoverse-n1 (armv8.2a)
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [git commit] support/testing/infra/ add build host dir to qemu search path
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [git commit] support/testing: test_edk2: update and re-enable the test
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [git commit] support/testing: test_fwts: update and re-enable the test
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [git commit] support/testing: test_grub: update and re-enable the test
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v3 0/8] *** Fixes for qemu_aarch64_sbsa_defconfig ***
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/1] configs/roc_pc_rk3399: Bump Linux, U-Boot, TF-A
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/1] configs/roc_pc_rk3399: Bump Linux, U-Boot, TF-A
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] configs/rock5b_defconfig: add missing U-Boot build dependency
Niklas Cassel
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/ add poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/ add poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v4 1/1] configs/versal_vek280_defconfig: new defconfig
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] libwpe error with 2024.08.1
Patricia Holden
- [Buildroot] Quarantined messages buildroot Support
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-04
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] Account Verification buildroot
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v4 1/1] configs/versal_vek280_defconfig: new defconfig
Frager, Neal
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/2] configs/versal: re-adding xilinx-prebuilt version
Frager, Neal
- [Buildroot] Encrypted Message Received
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/sdl2: bump version to 2.30.9
Michael Fischer
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v0 0/1] add bfscripts
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v0 1/1] package/bfscripts: add 3.9.7-1
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] libwpe error with 2024.08.1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/tbtools: bump to version 0.4.2
Mika Westerberg
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/crun: bump to version 1.18.2
TIAN Yuanhao
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 0/2] .b4-config: check patches with ./utils/check-package
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] utils/check-package: support finding files from patches
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] .b4-config: check patches with ./utils/check-package
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] libwpe error with 2024.08.1
Patricia Holden
- [Buildroot] Account Verification buildroot
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-betterproto: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pysnmpcrypto: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-poetry-dynamic-versioning: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-rsa: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/openlayers: bump to version 10.2.1
Thomas Claveirole
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-tomlkit: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-flask-babel: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-simplelogging: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] package/vuejs: bump to version 3.5.12
Thomas Claveirole
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] package/vuejs-router: bump to version 4.4.5
Thomas Claveirole
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-bleak: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-iso8601: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-immutabledict: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-dbus-fast: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pkgconfig: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-qrcode: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-aiohappyeyeballs: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-zeroconf: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-terminaltables: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-aerich: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-dunamai: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/bmap-tools: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-sh: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-tortoise-orm: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pypika-tortoise: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-legacy-cgi: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pylibftdi: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pysnmp: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pysmi: use poetry setup type
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libspdm: fix build due to missing macro definition
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-aiohttp-remotes: bump to version 1.3.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-alembic: bump to version 1.14.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-apispec: bump to version 6.7.1
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-async-timeout: bump to version 5.0.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-flit-core: bump to version 3.10.1
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-marshmallow: bump to version 3.23.1
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-orjson: bump to version 3.10.11
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pydantic-core: bump to version 2.26.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pyicu: bump to version 2.14
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-sentry-sdk: bump to version 2.18.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-typeguard: bump to version 4.4.1
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-watchdog: bump to version 6.0.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-werkzeug: bump to version 3.1.2
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-zopfli: bump to version 0.2.3.post1
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] configs/rock5b_defconfig: add missing U-Boot build dependency
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] configs/rock5b_defconfig: add missing U-Boot build dependency
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] support/testing/infra/ add qemu version in run log
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] support/testing/tests/package/ new runtime test
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] support/testing/tests/boot/ new test for RISCV64 EFI
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v0 1/1] package/bfscripts: add 3.9.7-1
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/3] package/kodi-inputstream-adaptive: bump version to 21.5.6-Omega
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/3] package/kodi-pvr-iptvsimple: bump version to 22.4.0-Omega
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 3/3] package/kodi-pvr-vuplus: bump version to 21.3.0-Omega
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libspdm: fix build due to missing macro definition
Alistair Francis
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/libspdm: fix build due to missing macro definition
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/libspdm: Support spdm_context in the HAL
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/libspdm: Support spdm_context in the HAL
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/libspdm: Support spdm_context in the HAL
Wilfred Mallawa
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libspdm: fix build due to missing macro definition
Wilfred Mallawa
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/libspdm: Support spdm_context in the HAL
Wilfred Mallawa
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/numactl: bump to version 2.0.19
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 3/3] boot/ti-k3-r5-loader: use HOST_ARM_GNU_TOOLCHAIN_SUPPORTS
Bryan Brattlof
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-05
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] WARNING: Your Email: buildroot at will be blocked today!
Email Support
- [Buildroot] New package: Kea DHCP
Joseph Zikusooka
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v5 1/2] boot/arm-trusted-firmware: v2.11: fix building ST elf file
Dario Binacchi
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v5 2/2] configs/stm32mp157*_dk*: bump TF-A to 2.10, Linux to 6.11.6 and U-Boot to 2024.10
Dario Binacchi
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/nfs-utils: fix unit dependencies without systemd on build host
Anssi Hannula
- [Buildroot] Hybrid UEFI-Only CD-ROM image with systemd-boot
Thomas Kindler
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 0/3] Fixup Update Gateware Feature
Jamie.Gibbons at
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] boot/opensbi: remove dependency on fw_payload to pass FW_FDT_PATH
Thomas Bonnefille
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 0/2] Update NSPR and NSS
Giulio Benetti
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] package/libnspr: bump to version 4.36
Giulio Benetti
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] package/libnss: bump version to 3.106
Giulio Benetti
- [Buildroot] buildroot at Mailbox Confirmation
Mailbox Server
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/pv: bump to version 1.9.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] WARNING: Your Email: buildroot at will be blocked today!
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/1] package/iotools: Update to v1.8
Andy Shevchenko
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/1] package/iotools: Update to v1.8
Jarkko Sakkinen
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/sdl2: bump version to 2.30.9
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/crun: bump to version 1.18.2
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/sdl2: bump version to 2.30.9
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/crun: bump to version 1.18.2
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/tbtools: bump to version 0.4.2
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/tbtools: bump to version 0.4.2
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/mbedtls: security bump to 2.28.9
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/mbedtls: security bump to 2.28.9
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/libsolv: bump version to 0.7.30
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libsolv: bump version to 0.7.30
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/libzenoh-c: bump to version 1.0.1
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/libzenoh-pico: bump to version 1.0.1
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] package/libzenoh-c: bump to version 1.0.1
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] package/libzenoh-pico: bump to version 1.0.1
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] {linux, linux-headers}: bump 5.15.x / 6.{1, 6, 11}.x series
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] {linux, linux-headers}: bump 5.15.x / 6.{1, 6, 11}.x series
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/flannel: bump to version 0.26.0
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/pv: bump to version 1.9.0
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/pv: bump to version 1.9.0
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-poetry-dynamic-versioning: use poetry setup type
Fiona Klute
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-dunamai: use poetry setup type
Fiona Klute
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/libnspr: bump to version 4.36
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/libnss: bump version to 3.106
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v6 0/5] libglib2 2.82 series with bootstrap
Fiona Klute
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v6 1/5] package/{gobject-introspection, libglib2}: bump to {1.82.0, 2.82.2}
Fiona Klute
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v6 2/5] package/gobject-introspection: works with musl now
Fiona Klute
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v6 3/5] package/python-gobject: bump to version 3.50.0
Fiona Klute
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v6 4/5] package/network-manager: optional gobject-introspection
Fiona Klute
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v6 5/5] package/json-glib: bump to version 1.10.0
Fiona Klute
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 0/2] Update NSPR and NSS
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v5 3/7] package/{gobject-introspection, libglib2}: bump to {1.82.0, 2.82.0}
Fiona Klute
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] boot/uboot: update link to the U-Boot docs
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-aiomqtt: use poetry setup type
Fiona Klute
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] boot/uboot: update link to the U-Boot docs
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/3] boot/uboot: update link to the U-Boot docs
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] {linux, linux-headers}: bump 6.{1, 6, 10}.x series
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] {linux, linux-headers}: bump 6.{1, 6, 10}.x series
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/4] {linux, linux-headers}: bump 6.{1, 6, 10}.x series
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/libarchive: security bump to version 3.7.7
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/libarchive: security bump to version 3.7.7
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] Welcome to Julien Olivain as Buildroot maintainer
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/libarchive: bump to version 3.7.7
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/mosh: fix compatibility with newer protobuf versions
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/collectd: fix protoc version check
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/harfbuzz: bump to version 10.1.0
Giulio Benetti
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/pkgconf: bump to version 2.3.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/protobuf-c: fix protobuf >= 26.0 compatibility
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v4 5/6] package/mosh: fix compatibility with newer protobuf versions
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v4 6/6] package/collectd: fix protoc version check
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v4 3/6] package/pkgconf: bump to version 2.3.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v4 4/6] package/protobuf-c: fix protobuf >= 26.0 compatibility
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v4 1/6] package/{python-}protobuf: bump to version 28.1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v4 2/6] package/grpc: bump to version 1.66.1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] configs/ti_am62px_sk_defconfig: add initial support
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] configs/ti_am62px_sk_defconfig: add initial support
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] configs/ti_am62x_sk: bump Linux to 6.10.13 and U-Boot to 2024.10
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v5 3/7] package/{gobject-introspection, libglib2}: bump to {1.82.0, 2.82.0}
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
Mail Delivery System
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/1] configs/ti_am62x_sk: bump Linux to 6.10.13 and U-Boot to 2024.10
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-betterproto: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-pysnmpcrypto: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-poetry-dynamic-versioning: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-rsa: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-tomlkit: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-flask-babel: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-simplelogging: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-bleak: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-iso8601: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-immutabledict: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-dbus-fast: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-pkgconfig: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-qrcode: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-aiohappyeyeballs: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-zeroconf: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-terminaltables: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-aerich: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-dunamai: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/bmap-tools: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-sh: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-tortoise-orm: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-pypika-tortoise: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-legacy-cgi: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-pylibftdi: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-pysnmp: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-pysmi: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2] configs/stm32mp135f-dk: new defconfig
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-betterproto: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pysnmpcrypto: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-poetry-dynamic-versioning: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-rsa: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-tomlkit: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-flask-babel: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-simplelogging: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-bleak: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-iso8601: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-immutabledict: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-dbus-fast: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pkgconfig: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-qrcode: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-aiohappyeyeballs: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-zeroconf: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-terminaltables: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-aerich: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-dunamai: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/bmap-tools: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-sh: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-tortoise-orm: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pypika-tortoise: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-legacy-cgi: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-legacy-cgi: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pylibftdi: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pysnmp: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pysmi: use poetry setup type
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] support/testing/{test_edk2, test_grub, test_iso9660, test_fwts}: fix edk2 download
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/7] platform/layerscape: bump Linux Factory tag to lf-6.6.36-2.1.0
Vladimir Oltean
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-06
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] Hybrid UEFI-Only CD-ROM image with systemd-boot
Thomas Schmitt
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/openlayers: bump to version 10.2.1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/vuejs: bump to version 3.5.12
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/vuejs-router: bump to version 4.4.5
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-aiohttp-remotes: bump to version 1.3.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-alembic: bump to version 1.14.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-apispec: bump to version 6.7.1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-async-timeout: bump to version 5.0.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-flit-core: bump to version 3.10.1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-marshmallow: bump to version 3.23.1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-orjson: bump to version 3.10.11
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-pydantic-core: bump to version 2.26.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-pyicu: bump to version 2.14
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-sentry-sdk: bump to version 2.18.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-typeguard: bump to version 4.4.1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-watchdog: bump to version 6.0.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-werkzeug: bump to version 3.1.2
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-zopfli: bump to version 0.2.3.post1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/openlayers: bump to version 10.2.1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] package/vuejs: bump to version 3.5.12
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-aiohttp-remotes: bump to version 1.3.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-alembic: bump to version 1.14.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-apispec: bump to version 6.7.1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-async-timeout: bump to version 5.0.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-flit-core: bump to version 3.10.1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-marshmallow: bump to version 3.23.1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-orjson: bump to version 3.10.11
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pydantic-core: bump to version 2.26.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pyicu: bump to version 2.14
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-sentry-sdk: bump to version 2.18.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-typeguard: bump to version 4.4.1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-watchdog: bump to version 6.0.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-werkzeug: bump to version 3.1.2
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-zopfli: bump to version 0.2.3.post1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] Message delivery failed: returning outgoing messages to sender
Mail Delivery System
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/2] package/gnutls: bump to version 3.8.8
TIAN Yuanhao
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 2/2] package/gnutls: fix configure options
TIAN Yuanhao
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/raspberrypi-usbboot: bump version to 20240926-102326
Fiona Klute
- [Buildroot] Email password reset notification for buildroot
Email Account
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v5 1/4] package/kismet: bump to version 52bcb902e36b2df1562cfbe644b113362248d029
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v5 2/4] package/{python-}protobuf: bump to version 28.1
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v5 3/4] package/grpc: bump to version 1.66.1
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v5 4/4] package/grpc: remove BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_GCC_BUG_85180 dead code
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] support/testing/{test_edk2, test_grub, test_iso9660, test_fwts}: fix edk2 download
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] support/testing/{test_edk2, test_grub, test_iso9660, test_fwts}: fix edk2 download
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-07
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/postgis: bump to version 3.5.0
Maxim Kochetkov
- [Buildroot] Hybrid UEFI-Only CD-ROM image with systemd-boot
Thomas Kindler
- [Buildroot] Hybrid UEFI-Only CD-ROM image with systemd-boot
Thomas Schmitt
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] DEVELOPERS: add Fiona as a developer for all init scripts
Fiona Klute
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] configs/cubieboard1: Bump U-Boot to version 2024.10 and kernel to 6.11.6.
Scott Fan
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2] configs/cubieboard1: bump Linux to 6.11.6 and U-Boot to 2024.10
Scott Fan
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] boot/opensbi: remove dependency on fw_payload to pass FW_FDT_PATH
Thomas Bonnefille
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v3] configs/cubieboard1: bump Linux to 6.11.6 and U-Boot to 2024.10
Scott Fan
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] configs/cubieboard2: bump Linux to 6.11.6 and U-Boot to 2024.10
Scott Fan
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] configs/cubieboard2: switch to use extlinux.conf
Scott Fan
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/luaexpat: bump to version 1.5.2
Francois Perrad
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/postgis: bump to version 3.5.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/postgis: bump to version 3.5.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/1] support/testing/tests/boot/ new test for RISCV64 EFI
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/uhubctl: bump to version 2.6.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/ffmpeg: fix build on riscv32
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/ffmpeg: fix build on riscv32
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/xmrig: bump version to 6.22.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/xmrig: bump version to 6.22.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/3] package/kodi-inputstream-adaptive: bump version to 21.5.6-Omega
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/3] package/kodi-pvr-iptvsimple: bump version to 21.10.0-Omega
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 3/3] package/kodi-pvr-vuplus: bump version to 21.3.0-Omega
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/x11vnc: add and rework compile patches
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1] package/x11vnc: add and rework compile patches
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/x11vnc: Fix multiple symbol definition error
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/iotools: update to version 1.8
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/1] package/iotools: Update to v1.8
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] DEVELOPERS: add Fiona as a developer for all init scripts
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] DEVELOPERS: add Fiona as a developer for all init scripts
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/2] linux: support each linux latest lts version
James Knight
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 2/2] support: add a kernel version configuration helper script
James Knight
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 0/2] package/dtc: update to dtc 1.7.2
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] package/dtc: update to dtc 1.7.2
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] DEVELOPERS: add myself to dtc
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-08
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/dtc: update to dtc 1.7.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] DEVELOPERS: add Brandon Maier to dtc
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] package/dtc: update to dtc 1.7.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/bind: force shared build
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/bind: update to 9.18.29
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/bind: force shared build
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/bind: update to 9.18.29
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/bind: force shared build
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/bind: update to 9.18.29
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/bind: update to 9.18.30
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/bind: update to 9.18.30
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] support/scripts/pkg-stats: add unsure_cves to cve_total calculation
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] support/scripts/pkg-stats: add unsure_cves to cve_total calculation
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] support/scripts/pkg-stats: add unsure_cves to cve_total calculation
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] support/testing: add iputils runtime test
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] support/testing: add iputils runtime test
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] support/testing: add iputils runtime test
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/libgit2: bump version to 1.8.2
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libgit2: bump version to 1.8.2
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/libcurl: ignore CVE-2024-32928
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/libcurl: ignore CVE-2024-32928
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/libcurl: ignore CVE-2024-32928
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] DEVELOPERS: drop Anisse Astier
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] DEVELOPERS: drop Anisse Astier
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] DEVELOPERS: drop Anisse Astier
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/intel-microcode: security bump version to 20240910
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/intel-microcode: security bump version to 20240910
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/intel-microcode: security bump version to 20240910
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/trace-cmd: bump to version 3.3.1
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/libtraceevent: bump to version 1.8.4
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/libtraceevent: bump to version 1.8.4
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/trace-cmd: bump to version 3.3.1
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/ruby: update to 3.3.5
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/ruby: update to 3.3.5
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-async-timeout: bump to version 5.0.1
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/ruby: update to 3.3.5
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/asterisk: update to 20.10.0
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/asterisk: update to 20.10.0
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/asterisk: update to 20.10.0
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/bind: update to 9.18.31
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/bind: update to 9.18.31
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-blinker: bump to version 1.9.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/sqlite: bump version to 3.46.1
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/bind: update to 9.18.31
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/sqlite: bump version to 3.46.1
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-boto3: bump to version 1.35.57
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] DEVELOPERS: drop my packages
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] DEVELOPERS: drop my packages
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-botocore: bump to version 1.35.57
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] DEVELOPERS: drop my packages
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/picotool: fix help
Cherniaev Andrei
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/python3: bump version to 3.12.7
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-django: bump to version 5.1.3
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/python3: bump version to 3.12.7
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-dtschema: bump to version 2024.11
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-falcon: bump to version 4.0.2
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-google-auth: bump to version 2.36.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] package/proj: add an option to build and install apps
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] support/testing: new proj runtime test
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-magic-wormhole-mailbox-server: bump to version 0.5.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/libtirpc: bump version to 1.3.6
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-magic-wormhole-transit-relay: bump to version 0.4.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/libtirpc: bump version to 1.3.6
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-magic-wormhole-mailbox-server: bump to version 0.5.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-magic-wormhole-transit-relay: bump to version 0.4.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-meson-python: bump to version 0.17.1
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-packaging: bump to version 24.2
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-magic-wormhole-mailbox-server: bump to version 0.5.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-magic-wormhole-transit-relay: bump to version 0.4.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pip: bump to version 24.3.1
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pylibfdt: bump to version 1.7.2
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pysmi: bump to version 1.5.9
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pysnmp: bump to version 7.1.13
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-regex: bump to version 2024.11.6
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-rpds-py: bump to version 0.21.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-scapy: bump to version 2.6.1
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-tqdm: bump to version 4.67.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-werkzeug: bump to version 3.1.3
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-wheel: bump to version 0.45.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/uefisettings: new package
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/superiotool: new package
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/superiotool: new package
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/uefisettings: new package
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/uefisettings: new package
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/uefisettings: new package
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/uefisettings: new package
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 00/17] board: cleanup genimage partition-type-uuid shortcuts
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 01/17] docs/manual/writing-rules: add shortcuts for genimage partition-type-uuid
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 02/17] board/beagleboard: use partition-type-uuid "L"
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 03/17] board/sifive: use partition-type-uuid "L"
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 04/17] board/visionfive2: use partition-type-uuid "L"
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 05/17] board/pc: use partition-type-uuid "root-x86"
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 06/17] support/testing/tests/boot/test_grub: use partition-type-uuid "root-x86"
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 07/17] board/mender: use partition-type-uuid "root-x86-64"
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 08/17] board/radxa: use partition-type-uuid "root-arm"
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 09/17] board/qemu/arm-ebbr: use partition-type-uuid "root-arm"
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 10/17] board/qemu/riscv64-virt-efi: use partition-type-uuid "root-riscv64"
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 11/17] board/aarch64-efi: use partition-type-uuid "root-arm64"
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 12/17] board/arm: use partition-type-uuid "root-arm64"
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 13/17] board/pine64: use partition-type-uuid "root-arm64"
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 14/17] board/qemu/aarch64-ebbr: use partition-type-uuid "root-arm64"
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 15/17] board/qemu/aarch64-sbsa: use partition-type-uuid "root-arm64"
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 16/17] board/visionfive2: use partition-type-uuid "xbootldr"
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 17/17] support/testing/tests/boot/test_grub: use partition-type-uuid "U"
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/irssi: bump version to 1.4.5
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-09
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libvpl: not supported on mips64
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-async-timeout: bump to version 5.0.1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-blinker: bump to version 1.9.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-boto3: bump to version 1.35.57
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-botocore: bump to version 1.35.57
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-django: bump to version 5.1.3
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-dtschema: bump to version 2024.11
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-falcon: bump to version 4.0.2
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-google-auth: bump to version 2.36.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-meson-python: bump to version 0.17.1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-packaging: bump to version 24.2
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-pip: bump to version 24.3.1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-pylibfdt: bump to version 1.7.2
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-pysmi: bump to version 1.5.9
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-pysnmp: bump to version 7.1.13
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-regex: bump to version 2024.11.6
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-rpds-py: bump to version 0.21.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-scapy: bump to version 2.6.1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-tqdm: bump to version 4.67.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-werkzeug: bump to version 3.1.3
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-wheel: bump to version 0.45.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-async-timeout: bump to version 5.0.1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-blinker: bump to version 1.9.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-boto3: bump to version 1.35.57
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-botocore: bump to version 1.35.57
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-django: bump to version 5.1.3
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-dtschema: bump to version 2024.11
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-falcon: bump to version 4.0.2
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-google-auth: bump to version 2.36.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-meson-python: bump to version 0.17.1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-packaging: bump to version 24.2
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pip: bump to version 24.3.1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pylibfdt: bump to version 1.7.2
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pysmi: bump to version 1.5.9
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pysnmp: bump to version 7.1.13
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-regex: bump to version 2024.11.6
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-rpds-py: bump to version 0.21.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-scapy: bump to version 2.6.1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-tqdm: bump to version 4.67.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-werkzeug: bump to version 3.1.3
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-wheel: bump to version 0.45.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/picotool: fix comment dependencies
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/picotool: fix help
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/kodi-inputstream-adaptive: bump version to 21.5.6-Omega
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/kodi-pvr-iptvsimple: bump version to 21.10.0-Omega
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/kodi-pvr-vuplus: bump version to 21.3.0-Omega
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/fluidsynth: bump to version 2.4.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/3] package/kodi-inputstream-adaptive: bump version to 21.5.6-Omega
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/usbredir: fix package homepage URL
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libvpl: not supported on mips64
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/irssi: bump version to 1.4.5
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/fluidsynth: bump to version 2.4.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/fluidsynth: bump to version 2.4.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/irssi: bump version to 1.4.5
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 0/1] add bfscripts
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/1] package/bfscripts: new package
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/usbredir: bump version to 0.14.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 0/1] Add mlx5ctl package
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/1] package/mlx5ctl: new package
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/bfscripts: new package
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 0/1] nvidia/bf3 - fix eth names
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/1] board/nvidia/bf3: set eth names according to doc
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/1] package/bfscripts: new package
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/2] package/libselinux: fix swig 4.3.0 compatibility
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 2/2] package/swig: bump to version 4.3.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/swig: bump to version 4.3.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] {linux, linux-headers}: bump 4.19.x / 5.{4, 10, 15}.x / 6.{1, 6, 11}.x series
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/1] package/mlx5ctl: new package
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/motion: bump version to 4.7.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/blake3: bump version to 1.5.4
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
Mail Delivery System
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-10
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/bfscripts: new package
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/1] package/mlx5ctl: new package
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/1] package/iotools: Update to v1.8
Andy Shevchenko
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] {linux, linux-headers}: bump 5.{10, 15}.x / 6.{1, 6, 11}.x series
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] {linux, linux-headers}: bump 5.{10, 15}.x / 6.{1, 6, 11}.x series
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/iproute2: fix building error using designated initializers
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/iproute2: fix building error using designated initializers
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/jailhouse: fix python helper scripts installation
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/jailhouse: fix python helper scripts installation
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] package/jailhouse: small typo error when installing helper scripts
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] docs/manual/adding-packages-tips: mention check-package requirements
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] docs/manual/adding-packages-tips: mention check-package requirements
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] utils/check-package: add inline script requirements
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] utils/check-package: add inline script requirements
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/spdlog: bump to version 1.15.0
Michael Nosthoff
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/3] docs/manual/adding-packages-tips: mention check-package requirements
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 2/3] utils/check-package: add inline script requirements
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/sysvinit: add version number to SYSVINIT_MAKE_OPTS
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/sysvinit: add version number to SYSVINIT_MAKE_OPTS
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/sysvinit: add version number to SYSVINIT_MAKE_OPTS
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/python-pyqt5-sip: new package
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/python-pyqt5: add missing SIP module
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/python-pyqt5-sip: new package
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/python-pyqt5: add missing SIP module
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v3 1/2] package/python-pyqt5-sip: new package
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] support/testing: add python-pyqt5 test
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2] package/boost: update download url
Michael Nosthoff
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/iperf: bump to version 2.2.1
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 01/17] docs/manual/writing-rules: add shortcuts for genimage partition-type-uuid
Niklas Cassel
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/findutils: bump version to 4.10.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 06/17] support/testing/tests/boot/test_grub: use partition-type-uuid "root-x86"
Niklas Cassel
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 10/17] board/qemu/riscv64-virt-efi: use partition-type-uuid "root-riscv64"
Niklas Cassel
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] support/testing: add python-pyqt5 test
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 00/17] board: cleanup genimage partition-type-uuid shortcuts
Niklas Cassel
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/1] support/testing: add python-pyqt5 test
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/liblinear: fix _SITE url
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/liblinear: change homepage url to use https
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/liblinear: fix _SITE url
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/liblinear: change homepage url to use https
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/liblinear: fix _SITE url
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/liblinear: change homepage url to use https
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 01/17] docs/manual/writing-rules: add shortcuts for genimage partition-type-uuid
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 06/17] support/testing/tests/boot/test_grub: use partition-type-uuid "root-x86"
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 10/17] board/qemu/riscv64-virt-efi: use partition-type-uuid "root-riscv64"
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/openjdk: fix typo in help text of openjdk zero
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/openjdk: fix typo in help text of openjdk zero
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 01/17] docs/manual/writing-rules: add shortcuts for genimage partition-type-uuid
Niklas Cassel
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/openjdk: fix typo in help text of openjdk zero
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/nethogs: add patch to fix version generation
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/nethogs: add patch to fix version generation
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/libxml2: bump version to 2.13.4
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libxml2: bump version to 2.13.4
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 00/17] board: cleanup genimage partition-type-uuid shortcuts
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/uhubctl: bump to version 2.6.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/uhubctl: bump to version 2.6.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/espflash: bump v3.1.1
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/postgresql: fix build without BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_THREADS_NPTL
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/postgresql: fix build without BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_THREADS_NPTL
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/postgresql: fix build without BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_THREADS_NPTL
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/skopeo: bump version
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] support/testing: package: bitcoin: fix test by increasing timeouts
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] support/testing: package: bitcoin: fix test by increasing timeouts
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] support/testing: package: bitcoin: fix test by increasing timeouts
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/uhubctl: bump to version 2.6.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] support/testing: add unbound runtime test
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] cPanel is delaying (6) incoming messages buildroot
- [Buildroot] [git commit] CHANGES: update in preparation for 2024.11-rc1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] CHANGES: add issues resolved in 2024.11-rc1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] support/testing/tests/boot/ new test for RISCV64 EFI
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] support/testing/tests/boot/ new test for RISCV64 EFI
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 2/2] package/swig: bump to version 4.3.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/boost: update download url
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2] package/boost: update download url
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/motion: bump version to 4.7.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/blake3: bump version to 1.5.4
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/spdlog: bump to version 1.15.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/iperf: bump to version 2.2.1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/findutils: bump version to 4.10.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 2/2] package/swig: bump to version 4.3.0
James Hilliard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/motion: bump version to 4.7.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/blake3: bump version to 1.5.4
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/spdlog: bump to version 1.15.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/iperf: bump to version 2.2.1
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/findutils: bump version to 4.10.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/usbredir: fix package homepage URL
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/usbredir: bump version to 0.14.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 2/2] package/swig: bump to version 4.3.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/usbredir: fix package homepage URL
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/usbredir: bump version to 0.14.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] {linux, linux-headers}: bump 4.19.x / 5.{4, 10, 15}.x / 6.{1, 6, 11}.x series
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 02/17] board/beagleboard: use partition-type-uuid "L"
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 01/17] docs/manual/writing-rules: add shortcuts for genimage partition-type-uuid
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 05/17] board/pc: use partition-type-uuid "root-x86"
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 00/17] board: cleanup genimage partition-type-uuid shortcuts
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] configs/cubieboard1: bump Linux to 6.11.6 and U-Boot to 2024.10
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v3] configs/cubieboard1: bump Linux to 6.11.6 and U-Boot to 2024.10
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] configs/cubieboard2: bump Linux to 6.11.6 and U-Boot to 2024.10
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] configs/cubieboard2: switch to use extlinux.conf
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/raspberrypi-usbboot: bump version to 20240926-102326
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/raspberrypi-usbboot: bump version to 20240926-102326
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-11
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/expat: security bump to version 2.6.4
Francois Perrad
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libgit2: bump version to 1.8.4
Nicolas Cavallari
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2] boot/opensbi: remove dependency on fw_payload to pass FW_FDT_PATH
Thomas Bonnefille
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/2] configs/cubieboard2: bump Linux to 6.11.7 and U-Boot to 2024.10
Scott Fan
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 2/2] configs/cubieboard2: switch to use extlinux.conf
Scott Fan
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] support/testing: add unbound runtime test
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] support/testing: add unbound runtime test
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] configs/cubieboard1: bump Linux vesion to 6.11.7
Scott Fan
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] board/cubietech/cubieboard1: use lowercase keywords in extlinux.conf file
Scott Fan
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 05/17] board/pc: use partition-type-uuid "root-x86"
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 00/17] board: cleanup genimage partition-type-uuid shortcuts
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 01/17] docs/manual/writing-rules: add shortcuts for genimage partition-type-uuid
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] boot/grub2: fix help
Cherniaev Andrei
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/uuu: bump to version 1.5.191
Dario Binacchi
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-pillow: fix webp DependencyException
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-pillow: set new build options
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pillow: fix webp DependencyException
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pillow: set new build options
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/ltrace: mark as unavailable on musl
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/ltrace: mark as unavailable on musl
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/ltrace: mark as unavailable on musl
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/wpebackend-fdo: bump version to 1.14.3
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/wpebackend-fdo: bump version to 1.14.3
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/wpebackend-fdo: bump version to 1.14.3
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v4 1/4] package/andes-spi-burn: new package
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/file: fix musl compile issue
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/file: fix musl compile issue
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/file: fix musl compile issue
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/libldns: bump to version 1.8.4
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/libldns: bump to version 1.8.4
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libldns: bump to version 1.8.4
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/libopenh264: bump version to 2.4.1
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/libopenh264: bump version to 2.4.1
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libopenh264: bump version to 2.4.1
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/libpng: bump version to 1.6.44
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/libpng: bump version to 1.6.44
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/memtest86: bump version to 7.20
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/jsoncpp: bump version to 1.9.6
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/jsoncpp: bump version to 1.9.6
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/jsoncpp: bump version to 1.9.6
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/ghostscript: security bump version to 10.04.0
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/ghostscript: security bump version to 10.04.0
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/ghostscript: security bump version to 10.04.0
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/tor: bump version to
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/tor: bump version to
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/tor: bump version to
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libpng: bump version to 1.6.44
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/php: bump version to 8.3.13
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/php: bump version to 8.3.13
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/php: bump version to 8.2.25
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/heimdal: Fix build with autoconf-2.72
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/heimdal: Fix build with autoconf-2.72
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/1] package/heimdal: Fix build with autoconf-2.72
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] utils/genrandconfig: handle BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_IMAGE_TARGET_CUSTOM=y
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] utils/genrandconfig: handle BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_IMAGE_TARGET_CUSTOM=y
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] linux: handle empty BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_IMAGE_TARGET_NAME situation
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] linux: handle empty BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_IMAGE_TARGET_NAME situation
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] utils/genrandconfig: handle BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_IMAGE_TARGET_CUSTOM=y
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] linux: handle empty BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_IMAGE_TARGET_NAME situation
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/libblockdev: bump to version 3.2.1
Giulio Benetti
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-12
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] package/rockchip-rkbin: bump version to 7c35e21a8529b3758d1f051d1a5dc62aae934b2b
Scott Fan
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] configs/rock5b_defconfig: bump rockchip firmware version to 2024-09-05
Scott Fan
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/timescaledb: bump version to 2.17.2
Scott Fan
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/timescaledb: bump version to 2.17.2
Maxim Kochetkov
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/criu: fix comment condition
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/criu: fix comment condition
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/criu: fix comment condition
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] DEVELOPERS: remove Bernd Kuhls from libglfw
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] DEVELOPERS: remove Bernd Kuhls from libglfw
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] DEVELOPERS: remove Bernd Kuhls from libglfw
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/libmdbx: bump version to 0.12.12
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/libmdbx: bump version to 0.12.12
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/libmdbx: bump version to 0.12.12
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/fluidsynth: bump to version 2.3.7
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/fluidsynth: bump to version 2.3.7
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/fluidsynth: bump to version 2.3.7
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/ntp: fix build with GCC 14.x
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/ntp: remove the obsolete patch
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/ntp: fix md5 related build issue
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/ntp: fix md5 related build issue
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/ntp: Fix build
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/jailhouse: fix build when python helper scripts are enabled
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/jailhouse: fix build when python helper scripts are enabled
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/1] package/jailhouse: fix build when python helper scripts are enabled
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] docs/website: fix the link to the mailman archives
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] docs/website: fix the link to the mailman archives
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] docs/website: fix the link to the mailman archives
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] package/libzenoh-c: bump to version 1.0.2
Michel Alex
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] package/libzenoh-pico: bump to version 1.0.2
Michel Alex
- [Buildroot] Consistency check for UID/GID tables
Fiona Klute
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/procps-ng: fix ncurses.h include
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/procps-ng: Fix ncurses.h include
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/procps-ng: fix ncurses.h include
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/qemu: remove leftover QEMU_IGNORE_CVES from Qemu 8.1
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/qemu: remove leftover QEMU_IGNORE_CVES from Qemu 8.1
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/cmake: bump to 3.30.2
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH next] package/cmake: bump to 3.30.2
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/cmake: bump to 3.30.5
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/cmake: bump to 3.30.5
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/apache: include ap_config_auto.h to define _GNU_SOURCE
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/apache: include ap_config_auto.h to define _GNU_SOURCE
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/1] package/apache: Include ap_config_auto.h to define _GNU_SOURCE
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/libpng: fix arm soft-float build
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/libpng: fix arm soft-float build
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/1] package/libpng: fix arm soft-float build
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/libgit2: bump version to 1.8.3
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/nghttp2: security bump to 1.64.0
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/xenomai: fix latest version
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/nghttp2: security bump to 1.64.0
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/nghttp2: bump to 1.64.0
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/expat: security bump to version 2.6.4
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libgit2: bump version to 1.8.4
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/timescaledb: bump version to 2.17.2
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] package/libzenoh-c: bump to version 1.0.2
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] package/libzenoh-pico: bump to version 1.0.2
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/expat: security bump to version 2.6.4
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/libgit2: bump version to 1.8.4
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/timescaledb: bump version to 2.17.2
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/libzenoh-c: bump to version 1.0.2
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/libzenoh-pico: bump to version 1.0.2
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] Update for 2024.11-rc1
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libcurl: security bump version to 8.11.0
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] Account lockdown Notification
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/tiff: security bump to version 4.7.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
Mail Delivery System
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-13
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] Buildroot 2024.11-rc1 released
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] Consistency check for UID/GID tables
Nicolas Cavallari
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] Update for 2024.08.2
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2] configs/stm32mp135f-dk: new defconfig
Raphaël Gallais-Pou
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2] configs/stm32mp135f-dk: new defconfig
Arnout Vandecappelle
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/nvidia-persistenced: bump to version 560.35.03
Raphael Pavlidis
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2] configs/stm32mp135f-dk: new defconfig
Raphaël Gallais-Pou
- [Buildroot] Consistency check for UID/GID tables
Fiona Klute
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v3] configs/stm32mp135f-dk: new defconfig
Raphael Gallais-Pou
- [Buildroot] Buildroot 2024.11-rc1 released
Andy Shevchenko
- [Buildroot] Buildroot 2024.08.2 released
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] Update for 2024.08.2
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] docs/website: Update for 2024.08.2
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] Buildroot 2024.11-rc1 released
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] Consistency check for UID/GID tables
Nicolas Cavallari
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] Revert "package/libpng: fix arm soft-float build"
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] Revert "package/libpng: bump version to 1.6.44"
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/1] package/libpng: fix arm soft-float build
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] Update for 2024.02.8
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] Buildroot 2024.02.8 released
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] Update for 2024.02.8
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] docs/website: Update for 2024.02.8
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/libcurl: security bump version to 8.11.0
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/tiff: security bump to version 4.7.0
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libcurl: security bump version to 8.11.0
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/tiff: security bump to version 4.7.0
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/socat: bump to version
Baruch Siach
- [Buildroot] [PATCH next 1/1] package/tinycompress: bump to version 1.2.13
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/nfs-utils: fix unit dependencies without systemd on build host
Petr Vorel
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libkrb5: security bump to version 1.21.3
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/socat: bump to version
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/nfs-utils: fix unit dependencies without systemd on build host
Petr Vorel
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/ltp-testsuite: bump version to 20240930
Petr Vorel
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-14
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1] package/libgtk4: bump to 4.17.0
Thomas Devoogdt
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/dpdk: install to staging
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] Consistency check for UID/GID tables
Fiona Klute
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libecoli: new package
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libpng: fix arm build with NEON
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libvpl: not supported on mips64
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/linux-tools: perf: Disable shellcheck
Florian Fainelli
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/intel-microcode: security bump version to 20241112
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/python3: select host Python 3
Liam Hupfer
- [Buildroot] [PATCH next 1/1] switch GNU mirrors URL to https
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/intel-microcode: security bump version to 20241112
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/intel-microcode: security bump version to 20241112
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] support/testing: new ltp-testsuite runtime test
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH next 1/1] switch GNU mirrors URL to https
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] support/testing: new ltp-testsuite runtime test
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 0/3] package/mstflint: add new package
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/3] package/mstflint: add new package
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 2/3] package/mstflint: fix cross compilation
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 3/3] package/dpdk: add dependency on mstflint
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-15
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] 2024.02.6 : modinfo for target side
Zvi Vered
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/libkrb5: security bump to version 1.21.3
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libkrb5: security bump to version 1.21.3
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/libpng: fix arm build with NEON
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libpng: fix arm build with NEON
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH next 1/1] switch GNU mirrors URL to https
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] support/testing: new ltp-testsuite runtime test
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 2/3] package/mstflint: fix cross compilation
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/3] package/mstflint: add new package
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libecoli: new package
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH next 1/1] switch GNU mirrors URL to https
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] support/testing: new ltp-testsuite runtime test
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] Password Expiration Notification today 11/16/2024 7:54:27 a.m.
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2] package/libgtk4: bump to 4.17.0
Thomas Devoogdt
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] support/testing/tests/boot/ switch to neoverse-n1 cpu
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] support/testing/tests/package/ switch to neoverse-n1 cpu
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/socat: bump to version
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/dpdk: install to staging
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/dpdk: install to staging
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/ltp-testsuite: bump version to 20240930
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/perl: fix static build
Francois Perrad
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 0/2] package/armadillo: multiple bumps - 14.0.{2, 3}
Dario Binacchi
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] package/armadillo: bump to version 14.0.2
Dario Binacchi
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] package/armadillo: bump to version 14.0.3
Dario Binacchi
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/ltp-testsuite: bump version to 20240930
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/uuu: bump to version 1.5.191
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/uuu: bump to version 1.5.191
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/armadillo: bump to version 14.0.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/armadillo: bump to version 14.0.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/armadillo: bump to version 14.0.3
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 0/2] package/armadillo: multiple bumps - 14.0.{2, 3}
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH next 1/1] package/whois: bump to version 5.5.23
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-16
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] {linux, linux-headers}: bump 5.{10, 15}.x / 6.{1, 6, 11}.x series
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH next 1/1] package/bc: update _SITE to use BR2_GNU_MIRROR
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH next 1/1] package/octave: update _SITE to use BR2_GNU_MIRROR
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH next 1/1] package/freeipmi: update _SITE to use BR2_GNU_MIRROR
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH next 1/1] package/nettle: update _SITE to use BR2_GNU_MIRROR
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH next 1/1] boot/grub2: update _SITE to use BR2_GNU_MIRROR
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v6 1/2] package/python-numpy: bump to version 1.26.4
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 0/2] package/mstflint: add new package
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/2] package/mstflint: add new package
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 2/2] package/dpdk: add dependency on mstflint
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH next 1/1] package/spice: bump version to 0.15.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] fix _FORTIFY_SOURCE help string typos
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] fix _FORTIFY_SOURCE help string typos
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libecoli: new package
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libecoli: new package
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2] docs/manual/writing-rules: align use of genimage partition types
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/python-sip: disable parallel install
Romain Naour
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/libnvme: bump to version 1.11.1
Giulio Benetti
- [Buildroot] Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
Mail Delivery System
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v3 0/1] configs/roc_pc_rk3399: Bump Linux, U-Boot, TF-A
Roberto Medina
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v3 1/1] configs/roc_pc_rk3399: Bump Linux, U-Boot, TF-A
Roberto Medina
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/1] configs/roc_pc_rk3399: Bump Linux, U-Boot, TF-A
Roberto Medina
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/libnvme: bump to version 1.11.1
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v5 1/1] package/spdm-utils: new package
Wilfred Mallawa
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v4 1/1] package/spdm-utils: new package
Wilfred Mallawa
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-17
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 0/2] package/filebeat: new package
yann.morin at
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/skopeo: bump to version 1.17.0
yann.morin at
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/bmap-tools: select host-python3 if building host package
Fiona Klute
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2] docs/manual/writing-rules: align use of genimage partition types
Niklas Cassel
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2] docs/manual/writing-rules: align use of genimage partition types
Niklas Cassel
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] configs/roc_pc_rk3399: Bump Linux, U-Boot, TF-A
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] {linux, linux-headers}: bump 4.19.x / 5.{4, 10, 15}.x / 6.{1, 6, 11}.x series
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v3 1/1] configs/roc_pc_rk3399: Bump Linux, U-Boot, TF-A
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/skopeo: bump to version 1.17.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/skopeo: bump to version 1.17.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/libecoli: new package
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libecoli: new package
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/libnvme: bump to version 1.11.1
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/libnvme: bump to version 1.11.1
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/skopeo: select BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GO
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libecoli: new package
Vincent Jardin
E-mail Administrator
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libnss-ato: new package
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] DEVELOPERS: update maintainer of Andes platform
Yu Chien Peter Lin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libnss-ato: new package
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-18
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/skopeo: select BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GO
yann.morin at
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libnss-ato: new package
Baruch Siach
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 0/3] Fixup Update Gateware Feature
Jamie.Gibbons at
- [Buildroot] [git commit] DEVELOPERS: drop Asaf Kahlon
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/5] board/xilinx/patches: add xilinx_v2024.2 hashes
Neal Frager
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 2/5] configs/zynq_zc702_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Neal Frager
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 3/5] configs/zynq_zc706_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Neal Frager
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 4/5] configs/zynq_microzed_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Neal Frager
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 5/5] configs/zynq_zed_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Neal Frager
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/1] package/bootgen: bump to xilinx_v2024.2
Neal Frager
- [Buildroot] downloads: removing git repos and offline builds
Grant Edwards
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libnss-ato: new package
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libnss-ato: new package
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libnss-ato: new package
Baruch Siach
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libnss-ato: new package
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] configs/imx8mn_bsh_smm_s2[_pro]: bump U-Boot to 2024.10 and Linux to 6.11.8
Dario Binacchi
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libecoli: bump version to 0.3.0
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/pkg-meson: h files only into sysroot
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [git commit] DEVELOPERS: update maintainer of Andes platform
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] DEVELOPERS: update maintainer of Andes platform
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/skopeo: select BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GO
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/skopeo: select BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GO
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/go: ensure there is a host-go provider, take 2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/go: ensure there is a host-go provider, take 2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/libecoli: bump version to 0.3.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/grout: RFC do not apply
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libecoli: new package
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libecoli: bump version to 0.3.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] configs/imx8mn_bsh_smm_s2[_pro]: bump U-Boot to 2024.10 and Linux to 6.11.8
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] configs/imx8mn_bsh_smm_s2[_pro]: bump U-Boot to 2024.10 and Linux to 6.11.8
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/grout: RFC do not apply
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-19
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libnss-ato: new package
Baruch Siach
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/ add missing quotes
Simon Richter
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/ add missing quotes
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libnss-ato: new package
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libnss-ato: new package
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/ add missing quotes
Simon Richter
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/ add missing quotes
yann.morin at
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/ add missing quotes
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] downloads: removing git repos and offline builds
Andreas Ziegler
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/ add missing quotes
Simon Richter
- [Buildroot] downloads: removing git repos and offline builds
Grant Edwards
- [Buildroot] Large number of duplicate files in sdk
Grant Edwards
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/gobject-introspection: update homepage
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/gobject-introspection: update homepage
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/gobject-introspection: update homepage
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/qt6/qt6base: remove -DFEATURE_concurrent=OFF from unconditional options
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/qt6/qt6base: remove -DFEATURE_concurrent=OFF from unconditional options
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/qt6/qt6base: remove -DFEATURE_concurrent=OFF from hard coded list
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/linux-pam: adjust login pam file for lastlog
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/linux-pam: adjust login pam file for lastlog
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/ntp: add upstream-provided patch to fix regression
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/ntp: add upstream-provided patch to fix regression
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/ntp: add a patch to fix crashes
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/postgresql: security bump version to 16.5
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/ebtables: remove KERNEL_64_USERSPACE_32 workaround
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/ebtables: remove KERNEL_64_USERSPACE_32 workaround
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/ebtables: remove KERNEL_64_USERSPACE_32 workaround
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/musl-compat-headers: fix download of queue.h
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/musl-compat-headers: fix download of queue.h
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/musl-compat-headers: fix download of queue.h
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/sshguard: patch /usr/local/sbin/sshguard path in systemd service
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/sshguard: patch /usr/local/sbin/sshguard path in systemd service
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/sshguard: patch /usr/local/sbin/sshguard path in systemd service
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/libmodbus: bump to version 3.1.11
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/libmodbus: bump to version 3.1.11
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/libmodbus: bump to version 3.1.11
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/checksec: fix download
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/checksec: fix download
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] configs/pc: fix grub root device in help
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] configs/pc: fix grub root device in help
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] configs/pc: fix grub root device in help
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/systemd: bump to 256.7
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/systemd: bump to 256.7
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] support/testing: add rrdtool runtime test
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] support/testing: add rrdtool runtime test
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] python-gevent package failing for me
Patricia Holden
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] support/testing: add rrdtool runtime test
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/postgresql: security bump version to 16.5
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/postgresql: security bump version to 16.5
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/gnuplot: fix build failures on undefined FE_UNDERFLOW
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/1] package/gnuplot: fix build failures on undefined FE_UNDERFLOW
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
Mail Delivery System
- [Buildroot] Large number of duplicate files in sdk
Grant Edwards
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-20
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] Large number of duplicate files in sdk
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] board/mender/x86_64: clean up post build and image scripts
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] board/mender/x86_64/ use bash for
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] board/mender/x86_64/ use bash for
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] support/testing: add audit runtime test
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] support/testing: add audit runtime test
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] support/testing: add audit runtime test
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/pkg-meson: h files only into sysroot
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/dbus: set session-socket-dir to /tmp
Nikita Kiryushin
- [Buildroot] Large number of duplicate files in sdk
Grant Edwards
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/php: security bump version to 8.3.14
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/php: security bump version to 8.3.14
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/php: security bump version to 8.3.14
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/libblockdev: bump to version 3.2.1
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/libblockdev: bump to version 3.2.1
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/util-linux-libs: allowing building even on non-Y2038 compliant systems
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/pkg-meson: h files only into sysroot
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/util-linux-libs: allowing building even on non-Y2038 compliant systems
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-21
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/mbedtls: security bump to 2.28.9
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/mbedtls: security bump to 2.28.9
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/mbedtls: security bump to 2.28.9
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] {linux, linux-headers}: bump 5.15.x / 6.{1, 6, 11}.x series
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] {linux, linux-headers}: bump 5.15.x / 6.{1, 6, 11}.x series
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/bootgen: bump to xilinx_v2024.2
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/1] package/bootgen: bump to xilinx_v2024.2
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] docs/manual/contribute.adoc: mention mailing list subscription requirement
Nikita Kiryushin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/util-linux-libs: allowing building even on non-Y2038 compliant systems
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/1] package/util-linux-libs: allowing building even on non-Y2038 compliant systems
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/psplash: add support for two configure options
Olivier Benjamin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/2] package/mstflint: add new package
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] board/xilinx/patches: add xilinx_v2024.2 hashes
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] configs/zynq_zc702_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] configs/zynq_zc706_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] configs/zynq_microzed_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] configs/zynq_zed_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/5] board/xilinx/patches: add xilinx_v2024.2 hashes
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH next 1/1] package/spice: re-enable on all cpu architectures
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] Documentation patch with some small things that threw me off as a newcomer to the project.
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v3 0/3] package/mstflint: add new package
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v3 1/2] package/mstflint: add new package
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v3 2/2] package/dpdk: add dependency on mstflint
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/2] package/mstflint: add new package
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH next 1/1] package/spice: re-enable on all cpu architectures
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-22
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/fbv: fetch from
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/fbv: fetch from
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] {linux, linux-headers}: bump 4.19.x / 5.{4, 10, 15}.x / 6.{1, 6, 11}.x series
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] {linux, linux-headers}: bump 4.19.x / 5.{4, 10, 15}.x / 6.{1, 6, 11}.x series
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/bmap-tools: select host-python3 if building host package
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/bmap-tools: select host-python3 if building host package
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/python-sip: disable parallel install
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/python-sip: disable parallel install
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/util-linux-libs: allowing building even on non-Y2038 compliant systems
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/1] package/util-linux-libs: allowing building even on non-Y2038 compliant systems
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] Update for 2024.11-rc2
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] Buildroot 2024.11-rc2 released
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] {linux, linux-headers}: bump 6.{1, 6, 11}.x series
Bernd Kuhls
- [Buildroot] [git commit] docs/website/news.html: use gitlab for all CHANGES links
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] docs/website/news.html: refer to gitlab for buildroot-test repo
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/6] board/xilinx/patches: add xilinx_v2024.2 hashes
Neal Frager
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 2/6] configs/zynqmp_zcu102_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Neal Frager
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 3/6] configs/zynqmp_zcu104_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Neal Frager
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 4/6] configs/zynqmp_zcu106_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Neal Frager
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 5/6] configs/versal_vck190_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Neal Frager
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 6/6] configs/versal_vpk180_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Neal Frager
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] board/xilinx/patches: add xilinx_v2024.2 hashes
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] configs/zynqmp_zcu102_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] configs/zynqmp_zcu104_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] configs/zynqmp_zcu106_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] configs/versal_vck190_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] configs/versal_vpk180_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/6] board/xilinx/patches: add xilinx_v2024.2 hashes
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/babeld: unbreak download hash
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/gamin: fetch from
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/quagga: fetch from
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH-NEXT] package/quagga: drop package
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/quagga: drop package
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/quagga: drop package
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH-NEXT] package/quagga: drop package
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/quagga: fetch from
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-23
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/quagga: fetch from
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/quagga: fetch from
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 0/4] package/sway: bump to version 1.10
Raphael Pavlidis
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/4] package/libxkbcommon: bump version to 1.7.0
Raphael Pavlidis
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/4] package/wlroots: bump to version 0.18.1
Raphael Pavlidis
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 3/4] package/cage: bump to version 0.2.0
Raphael Pavlidis
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 4/4] package/sway: bump to version 1.10
Raphael Pavlidis
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/quagga: fetch from
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/quagga: fetch from
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/quagga: fetch from
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/quagga: fetch from
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/procps-ng: fix pidfd_open checking
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/doxygen: fix _SITE download URL
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] fix _FORTIFY_SOURCE help string typos
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] {linux, linux-headers}: bump 6.{1, 6, 11}.x series
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] fix _FORTIFY_SOURCE help string typos
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] {linux, linux-headers}: bump 6.{1, 6, 11}.x series
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/doxygen: fix _SITE download URL
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/doxygen: fix _SITE download URL
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH next RFC 1/2] arch/arm: add Armv9-A and the Neoverse N2 core
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH next RFC 2/2] arch/arm: add the Cortex-A710 core
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH next 1/1] package/ncdu: bump to version 1.21
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/esp-hosted: bump to version 2024-11-15
Giulio Benetti
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/mongoose: bump to version 7.16
Giulio Benetti
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/libnss: bump version to 3.107
Giulio Benetti
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/esp-hosted: bump to version 2024-11-15
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/mongoose: bump to version 7.16
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/libnss: bump version to 3.107
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 0/2] Add support for tpm2-tss v4.1.3 and tpm2-tss-engine v1.2.0
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] package/tpm2-tss: bump version to 4.1.3
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] package/tpm2-tss-engine: add version 1.2.0
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-24
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [PATCH-NEXT 1/3] package/openocd: drop non-existing libhid support
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH-NEXT 2/3] package/libhid: drop package
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH-NEXT 3/3] package/fconfig: drop package
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] board/imx7d-sdb: bump linux to 6.6.58 and uboot to 2024.10
Jean-Christophe Bauduin
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/ffmpeg: fix build on riscv32
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/ffmpeg: fix build on riscv32
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/x11vnc: add and rework compile patches
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1] package/x11vnc: add and rework compile patches
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/x11vnc: add and rework compile patches
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/picotool: fix comment dependencies
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/picotool: fix help
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/irssi: bump version to 1.4.5
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/irssi: bump version to 1.4.5
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/irssi: bump version to 1.4.5
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] package/tpm2-tss-engine: add version 1.2.0
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] package/tpm2-tss: bump version to 4.1.3
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] board/imx7d-sdb: bump linux to 6.6.58 and uboot to 2024.10
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] board/imx7d-sdb: bump linux to 6.6.58 and uboot to 2024.10
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] board/imx7d-sdb: bump linux to 6.6.58 and uboot to 2024.10
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] 2024.02.6 : modinfo for target side
Mattia Narducci
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/espflash: bump version to 3.2.0
Torben Voltmer
- [Buildroot] Issues reproducing autobuild error
Erkiaga Elorza, Ibai
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/procps-ng: fix pidfd_open checking
Scott Fan
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-25
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/boost: update download url
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/boost: update download url
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2] package/boost: update download url
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/usbredir: fix package homepage URL
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/usbredir: fix package homepage URL
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/usbredir: fix package homepage URL
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] {linux, linux-headers}: bump 4.19.x / 5.{4, 10, 15}.x / 6.{1, 6, 11}.x series
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] {linux, linux-headers}: bump 4.19.x / 5.{4, 10, 15}.x / 6.{1, 6, 11}.x series
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] {linux, linux-headers}: bump 4.19.x / 5.{4, 10, 15}.x / 6.{1, 6, 11}.x series
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/python-pillow: fix webp DependencyException
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/expat: security bump to version 2.6.4
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/expat: security bump to version 2.6.4
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/expat: security bump to version 2.6.4
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/libgit2: bump version to 1.8.4
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libgit2: bump version to 1.8.4
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/libcurl: security bump version to 8.11.0
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/libcurl: security bump version to 8.11.0
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libcurl: security bump version to 8.11.0
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/tiff: security bump to version 4.7.0
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/tiff: security bump to version 4.7.0
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/tiff: security bump to version 4.7.0
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/intel-microcode: security bump version to 20241112
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/intel-microcode: security bump version to 20241112
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/intel-microcode: security bump version to 20241112
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] package/libkrb5: security bump to version 1.21.3
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/libkrb5: security bump to version 1.21.3
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libkrb5: security bump to version 1.21.3
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] package/libpng: fix arm build with NEON
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libpng: fix arm build with NEON
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] DEVELOPERS: drop Asaf Kahlon
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] DEVELOPERS: drop Asaf Kahlon
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit] DEVELOPERS: drop Asaf Kahlon
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] DEVELOPERS: update maintainer of Andes platform
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.08.x] DEVELOPERS: update maintainer of Andes platform
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] DEVELOPERS: update maintainer of Andes platform
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] support/testing/infra/ support init=/bin/sh
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/2024.02.x] support/testing: fix TestInitSystemNone for non-login shell
Peter Korsgaard
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/procps-ng: fix pidfd_open checking
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/pkg-meson: h files only into sysroot
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/pkg-meson: h files only into sysroot
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] support/testing: improve mosquitto test reliability
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] support/testing: new openocd runtime test
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/openocd: drop non-existing libhid support
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/openocd: drop non-existing libhid support
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/libhid: drop package
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/libhid: drop package
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/fconfig: drop package
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/fconfig: drop package
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH-NEXT 1/3] package/openocd: drop non-existing libhid support
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/libnss: bump version to 3.107
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/libnss: bump version to 3.107
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/libnss: bump version to 3.107
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/mmc-utils: bump to 523d8f3cfb21
Vincent Fazio
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/mongoose: bump to version 7.16
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/mongoose: bump to version 7.16
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/mongoose: bump to version 7.16
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/pkg-meson: h files only into sysroot
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/esp-hosted: bump to version 2024-11-15
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/esp-hosted: bump to version 2024-11-15
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/esp-hosted: bump to version 2024-11-15
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/espflash: bump version to 3.2.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/espflash: bump version to 3.2.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/espflash: bump version to 3.2.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/mmc-utils: bump to 523d8f3cfb21
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/mmc-utils: bump to 523d8f3cfb21
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/mmc-utils: bump to 523d8f3cfb21
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/esp-hosted: bump to version 2024-11-15
Giulio Benetti
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] configs/raspberrypi*: bump kernel version to 5aeec (6.6.51)
Pasha Fistanto
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/frr: security bump version to 9.1.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/frr: security bump version to 9.1.2
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/procps-ng: fix pidfd_open checking
Scott Fan
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/procps-ng: fix pidfd_open checking
Scott Fan
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 0/2] meson install with optional tags
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/2] package/pkg-meson: h files only into sysroot
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 2/2] doc/manual/adding-packages-meson.adoc: tags
Vincent Jardin
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] configs/rock5b_defconfig: Increase the filesystem size to 512MB
Andy Yan
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-26
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/postgresql: bump version to 17.2
Maxim Kochetkov
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/2] package/tpm2-tss: bump version to 4.1.3
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 2/2] package/tpm2-tss-engine: add version 1.2.0
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/procps-ng: fix pidfd_open checking
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v3] configs/stm32mp135f-dk: new defconfig
Raphaël Gallais-Pou
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/postgresql: bump version to 17.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/linux-tools: perf: Disable shellcheck
Florian Fainelli
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] configs/rock5b_defconfig: Increase the filesystem size to 512MB
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/1] package/go: bump version to go1.23.3
Christian Stewart
- [Buildroot] How do I generate the vendored Cargo sources?
Julio Merino
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/procps-ng: fix pidfd_open checking
Scott Fan
- [Buildroot] [PATCH-NEXT 1/1] package/postgresql: bump version to 17.2
Maxim Kochetkov
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-27
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/postgresql: bump version to 16.6
Maxim Kochetkov
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] dmaengine: dw-axi-dmac: fix snps, axi-max-burst-len settings
Maxim Kochetkov
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] dmaengine: dw-axi-dmac: fix snps, axi-max-burst-len settings
Baruch Siach
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] dmaengine: dw-axi-dmac: fix snps, axi-max-burst-len settings
Maxim Kochetkov
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/1] configs/versal_vek280_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Neal Frager
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] configs/rock5b_defconfig: Increase the filesystem size to 512MB
Andy Yan
- [Buildroot] 2024.02.6 : modinfo for target side
Fiona Klute
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] package/tpm2-tss: bump version to 4.1.3
Fiona Klute
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/libiec61850: bump to version 1.6.0
Scott Fan
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v4 0/6] Improved nftables firewall support
Fiona Klute
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v4 1/6] package/nftables: add init script
Nicolas Cavallari
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/postgresql: bump version to 16.6
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/postgresql: bump version to 16.6
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/postgresql: bump version to 17.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/postgresql: bump version to 17.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v3 1/1] configs/roc_pc_rk3399: Bump Linux, U-Boot, TF-A
Roberto Medina
- [Buildroot] [git commit] support/testing: improve mosquitto test reliability
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] support/testing: improve mosquitto test reliability
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/libiec61850: bump to version 1.6.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/libiec61850: bump to version 1.6.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/libiec61850: bump to version 1.6.0
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/ncdu: bump to version 1.21
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/ncdu: bump to version 1.21
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH next 1/1] package/ncdu: bump to version 1.21
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH-NEXT 1/1] package/postgresql: bump version to 17.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/2] package/tpm2-tss: bump version to 4.1.3
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] support/testing: improve mosquitto test reliability
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v3 1/1] configs/roc_pc_rk3399: Bump Linux, U-Boot, TF-A
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] configs/rock5b_defconfig: Increase the filesystem size to 512MB
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] configs/versal_vek280_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] configs/versal_vek280_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/1] configs/versal_vek280_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH next 1/1] package/fwts: bump to version 24.11.00
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] configs/rock5b_defconfig: Increase the filesystem size to 512MB
Andy Yan
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/chrony: bump to version 4.6.1
Scott Fan
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-28
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] support/testing: improve mosquitto test reliability
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] Documentation patch with some small things that threw me off as a newcomer to the project.
j+buildroot-list at
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/sexpect: fix build with GCC 14 and uClibc
Baruch Siach
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/4] configs/zynqmp_kria_kd240_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Neal Frager
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 2/4] configs/zynqmp_kria_kr260_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Neal Frager
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 3/4] configs/zynqmp_kria_kv260_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Neal Frager
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 4/4] board/xilinx/patches: remove xilinx_v2024.1 hashes
Neal Frager
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/alsa-lib: add BR2_USE_MMU dependency
Maxim Kochetkov
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v4 1/6] package/nftables: add init script
Fiona Klute
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/alsa-lib: add BR2_USE_MMU dependency
Baruch Siach
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libdex: bump to version 0.8.1
Adrian Perez de Castro
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/bubblewrap: bump to version 0.11.0
Adrian Perez de Castro
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/lrzsz: fix FTBFS by upgrading and applying Debian fix
Wolfram Sang
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/simple-mail: version bump 3.1.0
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] configs/zynqmp_kria_kd240_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] configs/zynqmp_kria_kd240_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] configs/zynqmp_kria_kr260_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] configs/zynqmp_kria_kr260_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] configs/zynqmp_kria_kv260_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] configs/zynqmp_kria_kv260_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] board/xilinx/patches: remove xilinx_v2024.1 hashes
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] board/xilinx/patches: remove xilinx_v2024.1 hashes
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v1 1/4] configs/zynqmp_kria_kd240_defconfig: bump to xilinx-v2024.2
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/chrony: bump to version 4.6.1
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/chrony: bump to version 4.6.1
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH] package/chrony: bump to version 4.6.1
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v3 1/2] package/tpm2-tss: bump version to 4.1.3
Abelino Romo
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v3 2/2] package/tpm2-tss-engine: add version 1.2.0
Abelino Romo
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/2] package/pkg-meson: h files only into sysroot
Brandon Maier
- [Buildroot] [] Daily results for 2024-11-29
Buildroot Notifications
- [Buildroot] [PATCH v2 1/1] package/alsa-lib: add BR2_USE_MMU dependency
Maxim Kochetkov
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 2024.02.x] package/systemd: fix bcachefs magic patch
Thomas Petazzoni
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/simple-mail: version bump 3.1.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/simple-mail: version bump 3.1.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/simple-mail: version bump 3.1.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/libdex: bump to version 0.8.1
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/libdex: bump to version 0.8.1
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/libdex: bump to version 0.8.1
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] package/bubblewrap: bump to version 0.11.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [git commit] package/bubblewrap: bump to version 0.11.0
Julien Olivain
- [Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/bubblewrap: bump to version 0.11.0
Julien Olivain
Last message date:
Sat Nov 30 22:38:05 UTC 2024
Archived on: Sun Dec 8 13:07:43 UTC 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).